

http://mythicacraft.com/images/banners/postalservice/ps_nav_home_a.pnghttp://mythicacraft.com/images/banners/postalservice/ps_nav_perm.png http://mythicacraft.com/images/banners/postalservice/ps_nav_cmds.png

http://mythicacraft.com/images/banners/postalservice/ps_nav_guide.png http://mythicacraft.com/images/banners/postalservice/ps_nav_dev.png


UUID Fetching

PostalService occasionally uses Mojang's account system API in order to ask for the UUID of a given player name.

You can turn off this functionality in the config by setting use-uuids to false.

Update Checking

PostalService comes with an update checker and auto-downloader for your convenience. The Curse Server Mod API is used to accomplish this.

You can disable update checking by setting update-checker.enabled in the config to false.

You can disable autodownloading by setting update-checker.auto-download in the config to none.

Metrics Tracking

Using Hidendra's plugin metrics system, the following information is collected and sent to mcstats.org:

  • A unique identifier
  • The server's version of Java
  • Whether the server is in offline or online mode
  • PostalService's version
  • Server's version
  • OS version/name and architecture
  • Core count for the CPU
  • Number of players online
  • Metrics version

If you do no want these stats collected, you can turn them off at /plugins/PluginMetrics/config.yml by setting opt-out to true.