
Installation and Updates

General Instructions

Important! If you are updating, it is highly recommended that you back up the entirety of the "plugins/PointsOfInterest" folder first! If you are currently running version 0.6.7 or earlier, see additional notes below.

  1. Download the latest jar file
  2. Place jar file in your plugins folder
  3. Start your server
  4. Adjust your config
  5. Restart server or execute "poi config" command to load your changes.

Lock Down Mode and Configuration

When you first install PointsOfInterest it will start up in "lock down" mode. While in this mode, users will not be able to interact with the POI plugin. Instead, they will be notified of the lock down. All users will be notified when the plugin is released from lock down.

All console commands remain available during the lock down and the ability to reload the config file and view the in-game help will remain available from inside the game (to those with correct permissions). It is also possible to allow a user to still operate while under lock-down through permissions.

"But Why?"

Simply so you don't have to bring your server up and down while performing initial setup.

The config file will be automatically generated as soon as the plugin is loaded, but it will have all default values. The initial "lock down" prevents your anxious users from running amok with those default settings.

"How do I turn turn it off?"

Simply change the "lockDown" configuration value to "false". While you're in there, you should make sure the rest of the settings are to your liking.

After you've made your adjustments, you can simply execute the "poi config" command from the game or console. If you prefer, a server restart will also work.

"Will I have to do this every time?

Nope... unless you delete your config file entirely or change the "configId" option in the config file. (In those cases, the plugin will think it is a new installation.)

There is a chance that you will experience automatic lock down again after a version update. However, this will only occur if I end up making a significant change to the available configuration options. In that case, the lock down will be there to protect your server while you review the updated configuration file. I promise to try and avoid this.

"Can I turn it back on?

Yes! Simply change the "lockDown" value back to "true" and reload the config file or restart your server. Manual lock down mode is useful if you don't want your players to interact with PointsOfInterest while you tweak config settings.

Updating From v0.5.3 or Earlier

The PointsOfInterest database will go through an auto-update process when you start your server with the new version. Database updates are irreversable and will not be compatible with previous plugin version.

Back up your PointsOfInterest plugin directory!

In the unlikely case of a critical bug, this will allow you to roll safely back to your old version. You may also want to back up your current version of plugins/PointsOfInterest.jar since versions that old are no longer available for download.

Updating from v0.6.7 or Earlier

Breaking Change - Permissions have changed! Please, be sure to review the current permissions and adjust your player permissions accordingly. By default non-ops are only given read-access to PointsOfInterest.

The PointsOfInterest database will go through an auto-update process when you start your server with the new version. Database updates are irreversable and will not be compatible with previous plugin version.

Back up your PointsOfInterest plugin directory!

If you choose to return to version 0.6.7, you will need to restore the entire PointsOfInterest directory.


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