

Many plugins like Prism and UltraLogger are very server intensive too the point where sometimes it isn't worth using on servers. This plugin is a solution for small servers that might be suspicious of a player or group of players, but can not spend the time watching their every move.

What separates this plugin from the rest is that this plugin only starts logging player actions and listening to events that slow down the server when a player logs on that is on the list of players to watch. When the player logs off, the plugin saves the log to the server and stops listening to events.

This plugin logs: Commands Chat Placing and Breaking Blocks Right Clicking Each log also includes the time and location of whatever is being logged. They also cover what was placed/probken and what the user selected when right clicking.

Example log file

Jul/19/2015 03:07:26>> shadoking75 joined the server.

Jul/19/2015 03:07:28>> [Block Break] shadoking75 broke GRASS <92,63,107>@world

Jul/19/2015 03:07:30>> [Player Chat] shadoking75 said hi <89,63,107>@world

Jul/19/2015 03:07:32>> [Player Command] shadoking75 ran the command /yolo <88,63,108>@world

Jul/19/2015 03:07:36>> [Block Break] shadoking75 broke SAND <88,62,111>@world

Jul/19/2015 03:07:36>> [Block Break] shadoking75 broke SAND <88,61,111>@world

Jul/19/2015 03:07:36>> [Block Place] shadoking75 placed ANVIL <88,61,111>@world

Jul/19/2015 03:07:41>> [Right Click] shadoking75 right-clicked GRASS using DIAMOND <92,63,111>@world

Jul/19/2015 03:07:53>> [Player Command] shadoking75 ran the command /spawn <89,63,111>@world

Jul/19/2015 03:07:55>> §eshadoking75 left the game.


Setting this plugin up is very easy. To add a player, open the config file under \plugins\PlayerWatchDog and remove the brackets next to players.

config before config after

Then in the next line and each line after, add the players that you want PlayerWatchDog to watch. The spacing matters!

GenerateMasterLog and GenerateIndividualLogs are for which log files to generate for each player. MasterLog is a file will compile everything a player does forever. the individual logs generate a log each day and compile what the player does in each day. Individual files are for organization purposes only.

If you do not have much storage or do not want both files generating, I recommend setting GenerateMasterLog to false (it cuts down on storage by half)


/pwd reload - reloads the config file (must be opped)

Known Bugs/Issues

I can't find any at the moment. I hope there are none, but if there are, please help me by telling me that they exist!

This plugin uses Metrics. You may opt out of this in the PluginMetrics config file. Metrics is intended for me to be able to see what versions player are using, the country the server is located in, the java version being used, and how many servers are using this plugin


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jul 19, 2015
  • Last Released File
    Jul 19, 2015
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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