Commands and Permissions

Commands and Permissions

Home Commands and Permissions Configuration

/vip addvip <Player> <Group> <Time>vip.addvipAdd Group <Group> to Player <Player> for <Time> Days
/vip buy <Group> <Time>vip.buyBuy Group <Group> for <Time> Days with an Economy Plugin (can be disabled or limited)
/vip code <Code>-Use <Code> to join a Group for a limited Time (Code specify Group and Time)
/vip commands [page]-List of all commands with description
/vip features-Display the configured Text
/vip generate <Group> <Time> <add/set> [Amount]vip.generateGenerates Codes for <Group> for <Time> Days Membership. Set or Add Group on use of this Code
/vip import <File>vip.importImports a File with Codes
/vip info-Display the configured Text
/vip list [page]vip.listDisplay all Players with a Group (added or set by PlayerVIP)
/vip purge <Player> <Group/all>vip.purgePurge the Membership of a specified Group or all Groups
/vip reconnectvip.reconnectReconnect to Database
/vip reloadvip.reloadReload the Configuration File
/vip setvip <Player> <Group> <Time>vip.setvipSet the Group <Group> for Player <Player> for <Time> Days
/vip statusvip.status.meDisplay the Status of all your Groups (Group + Expire)
/vip status <Player>vip.status.otherDisplay the Status from Player <Player> (Group + Expire)
/vip syncvip.syncSync Membership with other Servers (MySQL only)
/vip updatevip.updateCheck for an Update of PlayerVIP
/vip upgrade database <add/set>vip.upgradeUpgrade Database from PlayerVIP 2.2.x to 3.x.x
/vip upgrade uuidvip.upgradeUpgrade to UUID (Minecraft 1.7.6 and newer) from an older Version (Minecraft 1.7.5 and below)
/vip version-Display version informations