
Plugin Configuration

# Use '§' to change the color of the messages.

# Plugin Created by kl21.

# Plugin Tester - Misiozaur.

# Change messages when changing the invisibility/visibility players.

Toggle_ON: §6All players become invisible.
Toggle_OFF: §6All players become visible.

# Is the plugin has permission to use or not (default false)

Default_Permissions: false

# Is when connecting the player to be hidden (default true)

exempt: true

# At what item's function is to be plug-in (default Nether Star)

item_id: 399

# Is the player to join the server is to receive the item

Item_on_Join: true

# The name of the item

Name: §6Hide Players
Lore: §cRight Click to activate plugins.

# List of worlds on which to run the plugin

- world
- world_nether
- world_the_end