PlayerRider Reloaded PlayerRider - Ride other players by right clicking.
Version: PR v1.6

PlayerRider is a very simple plugin which allows you to ride other players.

FrancePrésentation française du plugin : sur
GermanDie ersten 2 Videos (Deutsch) zeigen, wie es zu installieren.

Dependencies: None!

Simply copy the .jar into your Bukkit's "plugins" directory, then run the server.

The file plugins/PlayerRider/config.yml is created the first time you run the server,
it contains 2 options: "message" and "ejectmessage". The first one allow you to customize the message
displayed to all players when someone ride another player ; The second one is the message when a player
eject a rider.

For both options: <player> designated the rider's player name / <duck> the name of the guy being
ridden. To disable the message, simply put an empty Double quotes pair ( "" ).


  • playerrider.ride: Can ride a player.
  • playerrider.beridden: Can be ridden.
  • playerrider.eject: Can eject players.

Right click on a player to ride him. You can only ride a player if:

  • You have the permission playerrider.ride
  • This player has the permission playerrider.beridden
  • You have no player(s) on your shoulders

To get down from a player, right click again on him.

If you right click on a player who bears someone or on someone sitting on another player,
you will appear on the top of them. So, you can make towers :)
(In that case, only the upper player can get down, the others have to wait being the upper one.)

A player who has someone on his shoulder can eject him/her/them by right clicking on them,
but only if he has the permission playerrider.eject, otherwise his only option is to cry :P

Why this plugin?
At the beginning, this was only an easter egg from my other plugin Insurance (not in official releases)
to a friend's server. When I did it, I've never heard about MobRider… I still choose to share it's feature
to let users who need a less complex plugin use it if it fits their needs.

Youtube Videos/ Tut.
BukkitDE| SupriciousCraft| Liberttee| minecraftplayer228|


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