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Insurance - Get allowance when you loose your stuff.
Version: 2.0 - [ Présentation française du plugin : sur ]

Insurance is a quite simple plugin which allow you to configure allowances for each items. When a player dies, he will receive money (based on its stuff) to let him buy new items.

Plugin story:
This plugin was requested to me by Altyrah (admin of the french server Simelya). Its goal is to boost the economy: There already were an insurance system which backup and restore inventory of users who have this option. As you imagine, diamond swords and other things were rarely buy to sellers… With this system, users with insurance option will have to spend money after each deaths, vendors will again buy resources for miners and everybody happy :)

How to setup:

  1. Copy Insurance.jar into plugins directory
  2. Start the server
  3. Edit plugins/Insurance/config.yml
  4. Run the command insurance-reload (or restart the server)
    (You can repeat steps 3 and 4 as often as necessary to find the right balance with price of your vendors)

Documentation: English - Français
Get the source code: On Github (Git)

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What to know:

  • Insurance do not depends on a specific economy plugin, you have to set the command to call for paying users (see doc)
  • Items associated with an allowance will disappear from the world (otherwise die, get them, die again… and earn money too easily)
  • Items NOT associated with an allowance will be dropped as usual (so run to recover them)
  • Insurance is not supposed to become a huge plugin, if you need a more complex system, try DeathControl
  • I'm open to suggestions but don't want to implement things too specific: If you have an idea, think globally.


  • Insurance.*: Gives access to all Insurance commands
  • Insurance.receivePrime: Receive an insurance prime when the player dies.
  • Insurance.calculatePrime: Display the prime's amount of the given player if he dies now.
  • Insurance.calculateMyPrime: Display your prime's amount if you die now.
  • Insurance.reload: Update plugin config from files.


  • Will the insurance a cost?
    It's up to you! As my plugin use permissions, you can decide to charge users who have the permission of receive allowances by using other plugins, like PayDay for example.

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