Player Versus Gear

Player Versus Gear

This plugin allows players to have different weapons for PvP and PvE. An example of a good use of this is if you have a boss plugin on your server. If you want players to have a sword that can do a lot of damage to bosses but not instantly kill players, this plugin would help you. If the item's lore contains [PvE] the item will not do damage to players. If a piece of armor's lore contains [PvE] the item will not block damage given by other players. The opposite is true if the item's/armor's lore contains [PvP]

This was a request by Jocke155 here:


/PvG- displays help /PvG set PvP - an item's lore to PvP /PvG set PvE - an item's lore to PvE


I have no plans at the moment, but I'm open to suggestions.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jul 1, 2014
  • Last Released File
    Jun 15, 2015
  • Total Downloads
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