Player Count Message

Player Count Message

- now animated

By: flyguy23ndm

Thanks for 20k+ downloads

My Config

made from my config


This is my first plugin and has grown much beyond my original sights and has grown in size by a factor of 20 reaching into the 10's of thousands of downloads. The plugin has recently been adapted to allow animated server pings with moving text and a gif for the server Icon. I saw someone was offering an animated config for $12 a download and I thought, I can do that and better, for free. Then, the mega-upgrade of my original plugin had begun and hopefully you will enjoy the fruits of my work. So, if you want an animated ping for you minecraft motd, you've come to the right place.

Also, the old config (earlier than v4.0) has been replaced by a new file. The server will not atuo-transfer from the old config. And I got rid of the motd.txt file.

Note, you need Protocol lib to run this plugin


For a tutorial with the new system, go here

Video I made, it's pretty bad but it should work :P

Commands and Permissions

Commands and permissions are here


Config explanations are here

My example config is here

Plugin Information

Tags and information about them are here

Animation information is here

Also, if you want to use an outdated version of the plugin, check out the old pages


Hello, I would like to apologize to anyone that wanted to use this plugin. The latest version of minecraft broke this plugin (that was a few months ago). I was discouraged by this so much that I just abandon the project and refused to look at it. This is unacceptable behavior from a content creator and I shouldn't have acted this way. I will post the source code for the broken plugin soon. This code will not work but anyone can see the code that made the magic work (undocumented scrawl is the real magic. I will never document it... that is way too much work for the time I have now). Hopefully this will be of some consolation. I may change the software so that it will work as the initial versions did without the animation. Apparently 37k of you have downloaded the software and I thank you for your support and not reporting me constantly for the small support that I have given.

here is the source code:

Feel free to modify, copy or update the code as you please; I only request that you cite me. Also, if you make any cool projects with my work, send me a like and I'd love to see what you have made.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jan 16, 2014
  • Last Released File
    Apr 11, 2015
  • Total Downloads
  • License

