Pizza Spleef

Pizza Spleef

© by SepperlUndCo

-> Klick me! <-

!! Please Donate if you want this to be developed further on !!


This plugin is just for fun. You don't have to configure anything, except you want this plugin to show other messages or the messages in an other language than English. If you join the server you can type /ps join in the chat and you will join the match queue. You need to be at least 2 players to start the game countdown. All other players will me notified that you want to play, so they can type /ps join as well and they can play with you. The maximum of players is set to 15, you cant change the value in the config. if you are in queue and you type /ps leave you will leave the queue / match. If someone is the last one who stands on the platform, the game will automatically end. You will be teleported back to the position you were bevor joining the game. If you are an admin you can enable / disable the game with the commands /ps enable or /ps disable.

The Game

You will be teleported to a platform and your inventory will be replaced with 5 snowballs. As soon as you throw one, you get a new one in your inventory. If your snowball hits the ground, he block will despawn and you can fall out of the world, but I think everybody knows how to play Spleef :)

The Commands

You need ps.join for these:

  • /ps join
  • /ps leave

You need ps.admin or op for these:

  • /ps enable
  • /ps disable

You dont need any permission and it will send the player, who typed the command, a short message about the plugin and its version.

  • /info

The Config

You can change ALL messages that were be shown in game. To do that you must go in the "/plugins/PizzaSpleef/config.yml". In the tab "messages" you can see the categorys:

  1. noConsoleSup: This message is shown if someone want to use the hide/vanish command with the console.
  2. thePlugin: This is the first part of the info text.
  3. writtenBy: This is the second part of the info text.
  4. gameIsRunning: You see this warning message if you want to join in a running game.
  5. noPermission: This message will be shown if you have no permission for this command.
  6. notInGame: If you want to leave and you are not in a game.
  7. winnerIs: This is the message that were shown if you not win a game.
  8. congratulation: This will be shown if you win.
  9. gameIsFull: This is the message that will be shown if you want to join a full game (15 players is max).
  10. gameSoon: You see this if your game starts soon.
  11. gameStarts: This is the message that will be shown if the game start.
  12. someOneLeft: You see this if you are in game queue and someone left the queue and you are the last one thats left.
  13. succesWaiting: This will be shown if you are the first who want to join the match queue.
  14. enabled: Will be shown if you successfully enabled the plugin.
  15. disabled: Will be shown if you successfully disabled the plugin.
  16. newGame: This will be shown to all players that were not in queue if a new match queue starts.
  17. noOneWins: This will be shown if 2 or more players still stand on the platform after 2 minuts.
  18. leave: The message will be shown if you want to leave the match or the queue.
  19. at120IsDraw: This is the message that tells you that you have 120 seconds until the match ends.

!! Dont forget the ':' at the end of the writtenBy message. !!

  1. arenaLoaded: DON´T tell this until you dont want the server to have lags.

Don´t change the config with player names in fornt of it, if you dont want the players to have problems.

The default messages are set to English.

Have fun with pizza Spleef!


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Aug 20, 2014
  • Last Released File
    Aug 22, 2014
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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