

All steps must be completed in the order shown, unless upgrading. If you're upgrading PITS, follow the instructions in the Upgrade section below.

  1. Stop your server
  2. Upload the PITS.jar file to your /plugins directory
  3. Start your server
  4. The plugin will now throw a few errors, but this is because your database details are incorrect
  5. Stop your server once again
  6. Within /plugins/PITS, edit the config.yml file with your database connection details (example below)
  7. Start your server and make sure there are no errors.

If you get errors, please open a new ticket by clicking the Tickets tab above. Make sure you include the complete log within your ticket as an attachment.

  host: your-mysql-host or ip address # Typically
  port: 3306 # Leave this alone unless your MySQL server is running on a different port
  user: your-mysql-username # Check with your server admin for the correct details
  pass: your-mysql-password
  data: your-mysql-database # Again, check with your server admin for the correct details
debug: false # Set to true for extra debugging information


The process of upgrading PITS is extremely simple. In the event the database was changed, new tables will be added as necessary the first time the server is restarted.

  1. Upload the new PITS.jar file to your /plugins directory
  2. Restart your server. DO NOT use /reload!


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