


Current version: 1.1

PingUtils2 is out now!

What is PingUtils?
PingUtils allows you to set random servericons, random MOTDs or a fake playerlimit for your Server. For example: You could set the fake limit to -20 and add 50 server-icons and 20 Messages of the day. Everytime a player refreshes its serverlist an other icon/motd will show up.

What are the features?

  • Random MOTDs
  • Coloured MOTDs
  • Random player labels (The label that shows up on hovering the playercount on a server entry)*
  • Coloured player labels*
  • Random Server-Icons
  • Fake playerlimit
  • Fake online players*
  • Update informer
  • Nearly everything configurable with commands and without server reload/restart

* ProtocolLib required

Commands, Permissions & Descriptions

/pingutilsnoneViews the plugin information.pingutils.use-
/pingutils addmotdMotd as stringAdds a message of the day.pingutils.addmotd/pingutils addmotd &aToday is a great day!
/pingutils addlabelLabel as stringAdds a label.pingutils.addlabel/pingutils addlabel &aToday is a great day!&nlThis text is in the second line!
/pingutils addiconPath to Icon as stringAdds an icon.pingutils.addicon/pingutils addicon server-icon.png
/pingutils setmaxplayersMaxplayers as integerSets the new fake playerlimit.pingutils.setmaxplayers/pingutils setmaxplayers 50
/pingutils setfakeonlinemaxMax. fake players as integerSets the new fake player online maximum.pingutils.setfakeonlinemax/pingutils setfakeonlinemax 20
/pingutils setfakeonlineminMin. fake players as integerSets the new fake player online minimum.pingutils.setfakeonlinemin/pingutils setfakeonlinemin 10
/pingutils listmotdsnoneLists all active messages of the day.pingutils.listmotds-
/pingutils listlabelsnoneLists all active labels.pingutils.listlabels-
/pingutils listiconsnoneLists all active servericons.pingutils.listicons-
/pingutils removemotdIndex as integerRemoves a motd.pingutils.removemotd/pingutils removemotd 3
/pingutils removelabelIndex as integerRemoves a label.pingutils.removelabel/pingutils removelabel 3
/pingutils removeiconIndex as integerRemoves an icon.pingutils.removeicon/pingutils removeicon 3
/pingutils reloadnoneReloads the Config.pingutils.reload-
/pingutils helpnoneViews the help.pingutils.use-

What does "Index" mean?
The "Index" is needed on the remove commands for motds or icons. The index is the index in the list of the motds or icons. You can see the index with the list command. For example /pingutils listicons would show up all active Icons (their index and the path to the image file).

Where does the "Path to icon" start
The path to the icon starts in your servers root directory (the directory where your craftbukkit.jar is located). For Example /pingutils addicon plugins/server-icon.png would add an icon that is located in your plugins directory.

What for is the maximum/minimum value?
The plugin changes the Value every x seconds (can be defined in the configuration file) by default its 300 Seconds (5 Minutes). By default the plugin changes the fake online value to a new random value between the minimum and the maximum (min/max included).

I don't want that the fake online value changes
If you don't want the value to change you can set the minimum and maximum to the same value. For example: minimum: 50, maximum: 50 and the player count would always be the online players + 50

New Line on Playerlabels
I added a feature, that allows you to start a new line on the player labels. You can do that with the following code: &nl

Metrics sends information about this Plugin and your Server to If you dont want it to do that, you can disable it in the configuration file. (Don't forget to reload the config with /pingutils reload).


I'm having problems with/suggestions for the plugin.
Please use the Ticket System. This is the fastest way to report bugs, etc.

Where can i keep myself up to date about bugs, new versions, etc.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jun 1, 2014
  • Last Released File
    Jun 17, 2014
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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