
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

PermissionsOS PermissionsOS is a very easy permissions plugin, it is very easy to install and configure and it has basic functions.



Configuration in PermissionsOS is as easy as pie. The basic permissions file goes:

        default: true
        prefix: "&7[Guest] "
        suffix: "&7"
        prefix: "&1[Member]"
        suffix: "&f"
        - guest
        - essentials.spawn

This is simple yet effective.

Group Name

This defines the name of your group or rank, e.g Member or Admin. This would be used when setting a users group, /permissions user [player] addgroup [group] e.g /permissions user basdv98 addgroup member - easy! Despite common belief, this has no effect on the prefix or suffix of the group.

default: [true/false]

This variable defines whether the group you are working with is the default group. What this means in basic English is that when a user first joins the server, they are automatically put into the group default without any use of commands. Be warned though, setting two default groups will result in the first of the default groups being used as default. Not adding default: to the configuration of a group will be seen as default: false, and if you do not have any default group, the first group in the configuration file will be used.

prefix: [prefix]

The prefix variable allows you to set a chat prefix for the group, which ties in with the chat plugin you are using. E.g:

[Member] Hawkeyezd: Hello basdv98, how are you?
[Admin] basdv98: I am very well thank you Hawkeyezd, you?

Taking this a step further means using colour codes. All codes can be found at

Here is an example group using a prefix with colour codes.

        prefix: "&5[Legend] "
        suffix: "&f"
        - guest

suffix: [suffix]

Suffix's allow you to post something after the message, quite often used for chat colors. E.g:

    prefix: "&c[Admin]  "
    suffix: "&7"

or if you want to add an extra bit of text,

    suffix: " &7of Panem"

inheritance: [group]

When a group inherits another, all the permissions from the group it inherits are passed over onto the new group.

permissions: [permission node]

Permission nodes are included in all modern (or decent) plugins and integrate with permissions plugins to allow certain groups to do things and others to not. They usually look like



etc. You can find them on the plugin's page.


    format: "&prefix&displayname&suffix: &message"
    autoupdate: true
        console: true
        ops: true
chat -> format: [chat format]

In the config, you can set a chat format. You could use the following formatting codes:

&prefix = User's prefix.

&displayname = User's display name.

&suffix = User's suffix.

&message = Message sent by user.

update -> autoupdate: [true/false]

When set to true, the plugin will auto-update when a new version is released. (Note: This will be done when the plugin loads.)

update -> notify -> console: [true/false]

When set to true, it will notify the console of any updates of the plugin when it loads.

update -> notify -> ops: [true/false]

When set to true, it will notify of an update when ops join.

Commands & Permissions

/permissionsos, /permissions, /perms, /pospermissionsos.*All PermissionsOS commands.
/permissionsos [help]permissionsos.helpView the help of PermissionsOS.
/permissionsos reloadpermissionsos.reloadReload the configuration files.
/permissionsos userpermissionsos.user.*All user commands.
/permissionsos user <name>permissionsos.user.viewView the permissions of the user.
/permissionsos user <name> setgroup <group>permissionsos.user.setgroupSet a group to the user.
/permissionsos user <name> addgroup <group>permissionsos.user.addgroupAdd a group to the user.
/permissionsos user <name> removegroup <group>permissionsos.user.removegroupRemove a group from the user.
/permissionsos user <name> addperm <permission>permissionsos.user.addpermAdd a permission node to the user.
/permissionsos user <name> removeperm <permission>permissionsos.user.removepermRemove a permission node from the user.
/permissionsos*All group commands.
/permissionsos group <name> a new group.
/permissionsos group <name> the permissions of the group.
/permissionsos group <name> setprefix <prefix> the prefix of the group.
/permissionsos group <name> setsuffix <suffix> the suffix of the group.
/permissionsos group <name> addinh <group> an inheritance to the group.
/permissionsos group <name> removeinh <group> an inheritance from the group.
/permissionsos group <name> addperm <permission> a permission node to the group.
/permissionsos group <name> removeperm <permission> a permission node from the group.


This plugin uses Metrics. This feature sends information like server version, amount of players, authentication mode, and metrics version.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Dec 8, 2013
  • Last Released File
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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