Config 0.2.01

# The Minimum amount of Health is 3
# The Maximum amount of Health is 10000
# Going Past these Safe Guard Limits you may find yourself Lagging, Dieing Instantly or Crashing when Attacking others or other when they attack you.
# Contorls HealthRegain:
# false : default minecraft regain 1 health every 4sec for 20 health
# true : every 20 health 1 regain is added so 40 health would regain 2 every 4 sec, and so on based on 20 health.
# 20 health = 1
# 40 health = 2
# 500 health = 13
# 9999 health = 240
# works like normal when Hunger bar is full does not regain if its not.
HealthRegainScale: false

# Verbosity of console messages (low, normal, high, highest)
verbosity: low

# Health applied if no other permission found
defaulthealth: 20

# Health applied to OP players (as they automatically have all permission nodes)
ophealth: 20

# Add new permission nodes here - give player permissionshealth.<name> permission
  test_1: 20
  test_2: 50
  test_3: 80
  mynewpermission: 200  # give player permissionshealth.mynewpermission, they get 200 health