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Where are my * nodes?

Bukkit's Superperms has no built-in concept of a global '*' node that automatically gives all permissions, which is intentional and part of the design of Superperms. Instead, individual plugins define a parent node (which could be 'pluginname.*' or 'pluginname.all' or anything else) which maps to whatever subpermissions in that plugin the author desires.

An example is PermissionsBukkit, which provides three such permissions: 'permissions.group.*' for all /permissions group commands, 'permissions.player.*' for all /permissions player commands, and'permissions.*' for all /permissions commands (including permissions.group.* and permissions.player.*).

If you are using SuperpermsBridge, you can do something similar to '*' nodes for plugins which use Permissions 2.7/3.1 - see the next FAQ for more information.

How do I use SuperpermsBridge?

SuperpermsBridge is kind of like FakePermissions for GroupManager or PermissionsBridge for PermissionsEx. Once it's installed, it pretends to be the Permissions plugin and converts any plugins that use Permissions 2.7 or Permissions 3.1 to use Superperms instead.

You can have PermissionsBukkit without SuperpermsBridge or SuperpermsBridge without PermissionsBukkit if you like, but both of these are limited in functionality. If you install SuperpermsBridge without PermissionsBukkit you will not be able to make use of PermissionsBukkit's groups feature or admin commands, and if you install PermissionsBukkit without SuperpermsBridge, plugins that have not updated to use Superperms directly will not function.

For plugins that use Permissions 2.7/3.1, you can use the special node 'superpermbridge.*' to give the equivalent of what used to be the '*' node for plugins that do not use Superperms directly. If you don't want to give the * node, you can also use the node 'superpermbridge.pluginname' to do the equivalent of what used to be the 'pluginname.*' node. Once again, these only apply to plugins that SuperpermsBridge handles and not to plugins using Superperms directly.

How do I use the root permissions.yml?

The file 'permissions.yml' in the root of your server can be used to set up custom parent permissions. Parent permissions are a single node that, when given to a player or group, automatically give all their children node. Here's a simple example:

        commandbook.motd: true
        commandbook.say: true
        commandbook.say.me: true
        commandbook.time: true

Now, if you give a player the node 'server.basics', they automatically get all the nodes listed here. Children may also say 'false' instead of 'true', in which case giving the parent will remove the child instead of giving it.

You can also specify a description if you like, which can be used by plugins to provide information on your node (such as PermissionsBukkit's /perm info command). If you want, you can also provide a default, which can be one of "true", "false", "op", or "notop". CraftBukkit will automatically assign everyone, no one (default), ops, or non-ops the children permissions based on the specified default. Without any plugin like PermissionsBukkit, you can use this defaults system as a limited way to assign people permissions. Here's a more complex example:

    description: Basic permissions for My Cool Server.
    default: true
        commandbook.motd: true
        commandbook.say: true
        commandbook.say.me: true
        commandbook.time: true
    description: Admin permissions for My Cool Server.
    default: op
        commandbook.broadcast: true
        commandbook.teleport: true
        commandbook.kick: true
        commandbook.ban: true

You can also define permissions without children, but this is of limited usefulness in permissions.yml (though is important in plugin.yml; see question #6)

How do I switch from (other Permissions plugin)?

Depends on the Permissions plugin! If you were using PEX's YAML backend, I have a converter done and available on the PermissionsBukkit Tools page. Also available on the tools page is an automatic converter for Essentials GroupManager users.yml and groups.yml files. Automatic converters for Permissions 2.7 and 3.x are on their way, but in the meantime you can still convert your configurations manually.

Where are prefixes and suffixes (or option nodes)?

Bukkit Superperms has no built-in prefix/suffix settings or non-boolean permission nodes, so individual chat plugins will have to start supporting Superperms in order to make use of non-Permissions-plugin based prefixes and suffixes. Herochat, iChat, and Simple Suffix are all aware of the Superperms update, but in the meantime you can use mChat, which already supports Superperms.

(This information is out of date.) Once you install mChat and configure the mchat.prefix, mchat.suffix, and mchat.group names in its configuration file (see the example), use PermissionsBukkit to give players or groups the permissions "mchat.prefix.admin", replacing "admin" with whatever node you configured. For example, with an mchat configuration that looks similar to this:

da-name-format: '+prefix+name&e'
date-format: HH:mm:ss
message-format: '+prefix+name&f: +message'
        admin: '&4DtK [SO] &7 '
        sadmin: '&9DtK [SA] &7 '
        jadmin: '&aDtK [JA] &7  '
        member: '&cDtK [M] &7 '

You can assign players or groups the mchat.prefix.admin node to get the "SO" prefix, mchat.prefix.sadmin to get the "SA" prefix, and so on.

(Coders) How do I set up my plugin.yml?

Take a look at this post in Dinnerbone's FAQ for an example. This is a lot like the setup of permissions.yml (see above), but you can also define non-parent permissions (just include description and default and leave out children).