Nightly Builds

Pathogen Player Lives: Built Nightly

Nightly Builds of Pathogen Player Lives!

As many people have offered to sacrifice stability such in order to have the bleeding edge version of Player Lives, as well as help me test it to get a version from testing to release much faster; I have decided to set up a Jenkins server to make nightly builds of Player Lives! This was also a fun experience for me since I had never set up Jenkins before (Jenkins is super easy to set up - Maven is not.)

Where do I get the nightly builds?

You can get the nightly builds from my Jenkins server. The server is not professionally hosted (sorry, could not justify the cost to upgrade my shared host to a VPS or dedicated server!) so it may go down from time-to-time, but since it gets used for lots of stuff it should not go down much.

When are builds run?

Builds are run at 12:05 AM (GMT+6, Central Time). If you are setting up a cron job to update you server to the latest successful build, then make sure it runs around 12:10 AM (GMT+6) to ensure you get the latest build.


Nightly builds are what they sound like - nightly builds. They are not meant to be stable, and may even contain special debug functions or new features which break compatibility (EG: The Spout support stuff.) So if you use them on a production server - make sure you are doing backups frequently! You can read the recent changes page and make sure there is nothing like "Added new derp and broke derpderp." or "Experimental new Spout feature derpderpderp."

All that said, if you do run a server even with a few active people on it and use the PPL nightlies, or you are just thoroughly testing it yourself. THANK YOU! Just make sure you report any problems in the tickets tab! Unless I have a way of knowing people are using this, I will still be testing everything the slow, old fashioned way.


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