
https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-wRPolEFUj10/UTc3YjQuC0I/AAAAAAAAA7s/fbFWAc3mtfw/s600/othergrowth logo.jpg

OtherGrowth lets you bring your world to life by creating "recipies" that change blocks based on the surrounding blocks - such as "cobble to mossy-cobble near water" (grow mossy-cobble) or "air to leaves near grass" (add a unique feeling to plains) and much much more.


  • Modify blocks based on surrounding blocks
  • Customisable "tick delay" & console verbosity
  • Add other conditions such as:
    • world
    • (planned) regions
    • (planned) biome
    • (planned) lightlevel
  • Use OtherGrowth to spread wool over desert, add leaves & water in the nether and grow bookshelves on trees - there's a lot of crazy stuff you can do
  • OtherGrowth can add a deeper feel to the world with roads that fall apart & castles that become overgrown with leaves and deteriorate (stone->gravel->dirt). Finding an older building that hasn't been maintained is more interesting with cobwebs gathering in corners and many of the blocks possibly infested with silverfish.


To be written/expanded as the plugin progresses.

Example Config


verbosity: normal
run_on_startup: true
tick_delay_between_scans: 200
scan_asynchronously: true
scan_all_loaded_chunks: true  # ignores radius setting (if true)
chunk_scan_radius: 6


#Mossy Cobblestone From water (cobble to mossy adj. water) [slowish]
  - mossynearwater:   # use a dash at front if this allows tags with same spelling
      - need: COBBLESTONE
        adjacent: {WATER, STATIONARY_WATER}  # { } = or, [ ] = and
        replacement: MOSSYCOBBLE
        chance: 6%  # equivalent to old 30:500 chance
        # other conditions as per OtherDrops, as possible (performance permitting)

#Mossy Cobblestone spreads (cobble to mossy adj. mossy) [slow]
    - mossy spreads:
      - need: COBBLE
        adjacent: MOSSYCOBBLE
        replacement: MOSSYCOBBLE
        chance: 0.5%  # equivalent to old 1:200 chance

#leaves on Mossy Cobblestone (air to leaves adj. mossy) [slow]
    - leaves on mossy:
      - need: AIR
        adjacent: MOSSYCOBBLE
        replacement: LEAVES
        chance: 1%  # equivalent to old 1:200 chance

#Mossy Cobble grows sponges (water to sponge adj. mossy) [v. slow]
    - mossy cobble grows on sponges::
        adjacent: SPONGES
        replacement: MOSSYCOBBLE
        chance: 0.002%  # equivalent to old 1:200 chance

Planned Features

  • fine-tune default values (higher delay period - anywhere from 10 seconds to once per hour - vs radius scanned)
  • specific a way to add preference for particular growth styles (eg. for stalactites and stalagmites).
  • multiple adjacent block conditions (eg. must be surrounded by 3 water & 1 lava)
  • expand default example file with "friendly" changes such as mossy cobble near water, spiderwebs in dark houses, lily pads on water, etc
  • create example file with more "damaging" (but still slow acting) recipes - eg. cobble turning to monstereggs and/or deteriorating into gravel/dirt, fences falling apart, etc
  • create example file for glowstone that slowly regrows in the nether
  • create an example "corruption" recipe file
    • using netherblocks or mycellium to crawl over the surface of the land slowly
    • yes, this does mean players could "seed" the corruption however the corruption could use a unique block or data value to avoid this
    • allow random chance of a corrupted "spike", "tree" or other formations (low chance of a particular block to form as a "seed" with higher chance of that growing)
    • create a "two-stage" corruption with inner/older blocks having had a chance to mutate into a stronger form of corruption
    • using OtherDrops - create chance of unique artifacts when digging up/destroying the corruption
    • using OtherDrops - higher chance of hostile/stronger mobs spawning on the corruption
    • brainstorm unique ways of making the corruption harder to destroy/more rewarding

Dev Builds

Development builds of this project can be acquired at the provided continuous integration server. These builds have not been approved by the BukkitDev staff. Use them at your own risk.


OtherGrowth is a inspired by the original iGrow plugin by TechGuard. Thanks to Valdark and Raspberry for inspiration with recipies for the original iGrow.


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