
When pigs fly - 200EG: By punching a pig, you can activate flying for 10 seconds. After this period, you will fall without warning, so be sure to land in a safe place where you won't take fall damage!

The Awesome Archer - 5EG: By left clicking with the energy tracker, you can shoot an arrow from your position. You can't change the velocity, it's always the same, so get used to it!

InstaKill - 80EG: If you hit a mob with the energy tracker, and have enough energy, he will take 500 blocks worth of fall damage- this will kill most mobs, but be warned, you can't use it to kill any bosses!

BungeeCord - 25EG: If you press shift while holding the energy tracker, you will be launched to a great distance in the air! Be warned, while you won't take fall damage, it's hard to control, could leave you stuck or even in lava!


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