
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.


Works for 1.4.7-R1.0!

Download on the right >


What's it about?

OpEveryone will check if players are not opped when they log in. If they aren't, they'll be opped automatically. In case you are afraid of ops the commands /deop, /op and /stop will be blocked from players (so they need to be executed from the console).

Some may ask: WHY!? Well, this isn't meant for survival servers. Some owners just have a small private server but they don't want to have to op new invited people every time. If you're just hosting for some friends, this might be useful.

Enjoy! :)

How exactly does it work?

Every time a player logs in, it is checked whether that player has op status. If not, he/she is given op. Bam!

In version 1.3+, The /deop, /op and /stop commands are disabled for players. They have to be executed via the console. I did this to prevent players continuously de-opping each other so they have to relog. Also you don't want anyone shutting down your server ;)

When do I need this plugin?

As I stated above, this plugin is NOT intended for public survival servers. Just use this whenever you want everyone to have Minecraft op capabilities, like when you have a private creative server where anyone can invite a new member.

What do the players see?

They will see nothing when they are automatically opped or de-opped. They won't get a spammy message 'You are now op!'. I intend to create an 'always op' feeling. ;)

However, a player will get a message if he/she has been manually opped or de-opped.


Installing is just too easy. Just drag OpEveryone.jar into your plugins folder!


  • Make a config file for which vanilla commands to disable
  • Create permissions for vanilla commands even if they are disabled ('override')
  • Allow for server owners to choose if they want to enable to the 'always op' function
  • Include in the config file a setting that determines how much is outputted to the console

If you've got any other suggestions, feel free to give them, either via comment or ticket, or even forum! ;)


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jan 15, 2012
  • Last Released File
    Mar 26, 2012
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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