
// Completely customizable 

// Supports unicode characters ! 
// <3, [*], [**], [p], [v], [+], [++]

  Prefix: '&4&l[&6&lOneInTheChamber&4&l]'
    Update_available: '&eUpdate available !! Type /oitc update to update the plugin.'
    Succesfully_update: '&eYou succesfully update the plugin ! Reload the server.'
    No_update_available: '&eThere is no update available ! You''re good.'
    Error: '&eCouldn''t update the plugin !'
    Name: '&4&l>> &6&lLeaderboard &4&l<<'
    Sword: '&6&lKNIFE'
    Bow: '&3&lSNIPER'
    Arrow: '&3&lAN AMMO'
    Redstone: '&4&lLIVES'
    Start: '&2&l>>>>>> &4&l[&6&l%player''s Stats&4&l] &2&l<<<<<<'
    Kills: '  &4>>>>>  &9Kills: &b%kills  &4<<<<<'
    Wins: '  &4>>>>>  &9Wins: &b%wins  &4<<<<<'
    Coins: '  &4>>>>>  &9Coins: &b%coins  &4<<<<<'
    Played: '  &4>>>>>  &9Played: &b%played  &4<<<<<'
    Not_found: '&cPlayer not found !'
    Never_play: '&cYou''ve never played to OITC !'
    Menu: '&2&l>>>>>> &4&l[&6&lOne In The Chamber''s Help&4&l] &2&l<<<<<<'
    Update: '  &4>>>>>  &9&l/oitc update &bto update the plugin !'
    Join: '  &4>>>>>  &9&l/oitc join <arena> &bto join an arena'
    Lobby: '  &4>>>>>  &9&l/oitc lobby &bto join the lobby'
    Leave: '  &4>>>>>  &9&l/oitc leave &bto leave an arena'
    Stats: '  &4>>>>>  &9&l/oitc stats &bto look your skills'
    Reload: '  &4>>>>>  &9&l/oitc reload &bto reload the plugin'
    Stats_player: '  &4>>>>>  &9&l/oitc stats <player> &bto look the player''s skills'
      Lobby: '  &4>>>>>  &9&l/oitc setlobby &bto set the lobby'
      Create: '  &4>>>>>  &9&l/oitc create <arena> &bto create an arena'
      Delete: '  &4>>>>>  &9&l/oitc delete|remove <arena> &b to delete an arena'
      Max_players: '  &4>>>>>  &9&l/oitc setmaxplayers <number> <arena> &bto set the
      Min_players: '  &4>>>>>  &9&l/oitc setminplayers <number> <arena> &bto set the
      Add_spawn: '  &4>>>>>  &9&l/oitc addspawn <arena> &bto add a spawn'
      Private_chat: '  &4>>>>>  &9&l/oitc setprivatechat <true|false> <arena> &bto
        set or not the private chat'
      Start: '  &4>>>>>  &9&l/oitc setstart <arena> &bto set the start location'
      Display_name: '  &4>>>>>  &9&l/oitc setdisplayname <arena> <display_name> &bto
        change the display name'
      Type: '  &4>>>>>  &9&l/oitc settype <type> <arena> &bto set the type of an arena'
      Lives: '  &4>>>>>  &9&l/oitc setlives <number> <arena> &bto set the lives of
        an arena'
      Points: '  &4>>>>>  &9&l/oitc setpoints <number> <arena> &bto set the points
        of an arena'
      Countdown: '  &4>>>>>  &9&l/oitc setcountdown <number> <arena> &bto set the
        countdown of an arena'
      Active: '  &4>>>>>  &9&l/oitc active <arena> &bto active an arena'
      Disactive: '  &4>>>>>  &9&l/oitc disactive <arena> &bto disactive an arena'
      Stop: '  &4>>>>>  &9&l/oitc stop <arena> &bto stop an arena'
    Chat_format: '&2&l[&e&l%player&2&l] &a=> &b&l%message'
    Full: '&3The arena is full ! You can''t join...'
    In_game: '&3The arena is in game ! You can''t join...'
    Disable: '&3The arena is disactivate ! You can''t join..'
    Not_in_game: '&3You''re not in game ! You can''t leave...'
    Already_in_game: '&3You are already in game !'
    Not_active: '&3This arena isn''t active !'
    Join: '&e&l%player &3joined the arena ! &6%number/%max'
    StartsIn: '&3The game starts in &l%time &3seconds.'
    Not_enough_players_to_launch: '&3There is not enough players to launch the game
    Start: '&3The game started ! Good luck...'
    Broadcast_leave: '&e&l%player &3left the arena !'
    Leave: '&3You leave the arena !'
    Win: '&3&lYou win the game !'
    Broadcast_player_lost: '&e&l%player &3lost the game !'
    Broadcast_player_win: '&e&l%player &3win the game !'
    Player_lost: '&3You lost the game !'
    End: '&3End of the game !'
    Reload: '&3You reload the plugin !'
    Server_reload: '&3Reload ! You leave the arena...'
    Death_message: '&a&l%killer &3smashed &a&l%player &3!'
    Name_lives: '&4[&6&lOITC<3&4]'
    Name_points: '&4[&6&lOITC[**]&4]'
    Arena_lives: '&0&l%arena<3'
    Arena_points: '&0&l%arena[**]'
    Joinable: '&a[Joinable]'
    InGame: '&8[InGame]'
    Starting: '&6[Starting]'
    Not_joinable: '&4[NotJoinable]'
    Number_in_arena: '&8%number/%maxplayers'
    Succesfully_set: '&3You succesfully set a join sign !'
    Missing_arena: '&cYou must insert an arena name in the line 2 !'
    Break: '&cYou''ve broken an OITC sign !'
    Must_to_be_sneak: '&cYou must to be sneaking if you want to destroy an OITC sign
    Arena_does_not_exist: '&cThe arena &l%arena &cdoesn''t exist !'
    Not_enough_spawns: '&cNot enough spawns defined to join !'
    No_start_location: '&cThe start location isn''t set !'
    Not_ready: '&cThe arena isn''t ready to play !'
    Not_permission: '&cYou don''t have the permission !'
    Lobby_is_not_set: '&cThe lobby isn''t set !'
    No_commands: '&3You can''t use commands in a game ! ==> &l/oitc leave &3to leave
      the arena...'
    Wrong_command: '&cWrong command ! Type /oitc to see all the commands !'
    Not_enough_args: '&cNot enough arguments for this command !'
    Bad_args: '&cBad type of argument !'
    Arena_succesfully_created: '&cThe arena &l%arena &chas been succesfully created
    Arena_succesfully_deleted: '&cThe arena &l%arena &chas been succesfully deleted
    Arena_already_exists: '&cThis arena &l%arena &calready exists !'
    Lobby_succesfully_set: '&cThe lobby has been succesfully set !'
    Display_name: '&cThe display name has been changed to &l%displayname &cfor the
      arena &l%arena &c!'
    Private_chat: '&cThe private chat has been set to &l%value &cfor the arena &l%arena
    Spawn_succesfully_added: '&cSpawn succesfully added for the arena &l%arena &c!'
    Lives: '&cThe number of lives has been set for the arena &l%arena &c!'
    Type: '&cThe type has been set for the arena &l%arena &c!'
    Points: '&cThe number of points has been set for the arena &l%arena &c!'
    Countdown: '&cThe countdown has been set for the arena &l%arena &c!'
    Start_set: '&cThe start of the arena &l%arena &chas been succesfully set !'
    Max_players_succesfully_set: '&cMax players set for the arena &l%arena &c!'
    Max_players_too_small: '&cMax players smaller than min players !'
    Min_players_succesfully_set: '&cMinimum players set for the arena &l%arena &c!'
    Min_players_too_big: '&cMin players bigger than max players !'
    Active: '&cYou active the arena &l%arena &c!'
    Disactive: '&cYou disactive the arena &l%arena &c!'
    Stop: '&cYou stopped the arene %arena !'
    Can_not_stop: '&cYou can''t stop the arena %arena ! It isn''t in game...'


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