
NoiseNotifications 1.1.: download


NOTE: Current NoiseNotification users, the permission has changed aswell as commands.

What is it?:
Have you ever gone to another window to play a game, look at a video, talk on skype, or whatever, then switch back to mc to find out that 50 people have been yelling your name? Well, a little noise can help solve this! What Alerter does is simply play a little noteblock tune when someone says your name! That way you know to head back to mc to talk with whoever.

How to use it:
This plugin is a very simple drag 'n drop plugin. Put it in your plugins folder, start the server, and it will auto put everything u need. To "alert" someone just say their name in game. For example, if someone said 'dillyg10', then it would send me the a little noteblock tune But, it can be anywhere in the message. If someone said 'dillyg10 is really good!', then it would still notify me. The Players.yml file in the folder is where are the player settings are saved. If you don't want to be alerted, you can simply type /alerter, and it will turn it off, or on. With version 1.1, you can now add your own custom phrases. (see bellow for more info!)

Ok, so we all have nicknames for ourselves. For example, people call me dilly, not dillyg10 so I often do not get alerted. Well, with the new phrases feature, not only can you add little nicknames for yourself, you can add entire phrases that people might say. For example, a lot of people say: I need an op!. well, you can be off looking at unicorns while someone is being griefed to death! Now, you type /nn add <phrase> and when someone says that phrase (not case sensitive!), it will send you a message and the standard notification sound.



/nn alert - Turn on and off alert mode
/nn add <phrase> - Add a phrase to your phrase list
/nn remove <phrase> - Remove a phrase from your phrase list
/nn list - List all of your phrases
/nn help - NoiseNotifications help!



NoiseNotifications.alert - Let players hear the alert noises!

v 1.1.1:
-> Fixed odd noteblock bug
v 1.1: A lot of changes, please read-

-> No longer case sensitive names!
-> CHANGED PERMISSION, from Alerter.alert, to NoiseNotifications.alert
-> Added the ability to config the message it sends players (not for phrases).
-> Added /nn commands *see above
-> Added phrases *see above
-> Fixed a ton of bugs.
v 1.0: Initial release!


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Apr 18, 2012
  • Last Released File
    May 5, 2012
  • Total Downloads
  • License

