

FakeOP Is much more than just a FakeOP plugin.

It fake OPs players, and for fake OPs it overrides some commands, to make them think it worked. It currently has commands from WorldEdit, Essentials and Vanilla Minecraft. This plugin will only override commands for players who are already fake op by using the /op command.

To make them able to execute a command normally, you just need to add a permission node.

Commands, and permissions

Permissions are needed if you want them to be able to execute them normally.

  • /op > fakeop.execOp : Fake OP them, or other players!
  • /ban > fakeop.execBan : When they run this command, it will kick them from the server with the reason: "The ban hammer has spoken!"
  • /kick > fakeop.execKick : Kick themselves with the reason: "You have been kicked"
  • /gamemode | /gms | /gmc | /gma > fakeop.execGamemode : Most complex command. Chenges their gamemode to Spectator or Adventure, according to their current gamemode. Also vanishes every other player from them, and also vansihes them from every other player from the server.
  • Any commands starting with // > fakeop.execWe : Places a Diamond Block in their position, that will only show up on their client.
  • /fakeop > Get all online FakeOPs

These commands need permissions to run

  • /hasran <player> <command> > fakeop.stats : Check if the specified player has used the fake command.
  • Any permission plugin
  • Any economy plugin
  • Vault
Feel free to decompile the plugin, and have a look at the code for yourself, but please don't copy it.


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