
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

NickNamePlus is a nickname plugin with Comes with a own GUI and is all configurable via the configfile and with permissions
Support for Display names over the head from a Player will be coming in an later Version.
- save delete and load old nicknames
- random generated nicknames
- random nickname from saved nicknames
- autonick by joining
- autorandom nick by joining
- own Keyboard with Special signs
- own Color and formattng menu
- own Change and save nickname menu
- own Option menu
- Auto replacement in nicknames from \& = "§" and \_ = " "
- You can now type with your Keyboard, using an Anvil Interface (requires v1.2)
- Now the new NickName gets also shown above the Players head
to open the GUI the Player must hold a NAME_TAG with the displayName "NickNamePlus GUI"

/nick set <Name> sets a new nickname
/nick set <Name> <Player> sets a new nickname for an other Player
/nick color <Format> allows afterward forammting \& = "§"
/nick color <Format> <Player> allows afterward forammting \& = "§" for a certain player
/nick option autonick <true/false> sets the autonick Option to true or false
/nick Option autonick <true/false> <Player> sets the autonick Option to true or false for anothe Player
readconfig <path> allows you to read the Config on this path
setconfig <path> <value> allows you to Change the config

NNP.nick.set: required to Change the nickname
NNP.nick.other required to Change the nickname of other Players
NNP.nick.options: required to Change Options
NNP.nick.color: required to Change Color
NNP.nick.GUI: required to use the GUI
NNP.nick.GUI.keyboard: required to type in the Anvil menue

To Change your nickname you have to rightclick with the item for the GUI and click "nickname ändern" (changeable in config)
Then you will see a nickname with your current Name. To chnage yourname replace the Item with the same item but with an other displayname
the displayname of the new item will be your new nickname. To create a Item wich you can use to replace the old one you can click the anvil and klick the Buttons to type. you can Change the Keyboard by klicking the quartz blocks when your finished you can take the NAME_TAG out of the Keyboard GUI store it in your inventory and later replace it with you current nickname.
The Color menu allows you to Change the color and the Format of the text but you can only have one color at the same time but several formt for example you can have a red Name which is bold and italic but not a red and blue one which is bold and italic
if you want multicolor you have to use the minecraft Format while writing the nickname with the Keyboard GUI codes
(\& will be replaced with § and \_ will be replaced with a space)
When you have several nicknames you can click int the "nickname ändern" menu the nether star and the nick Name will be safed for you
you can acces saved nicknames via the Option menu when you click on the Book in this menu you can delete nicknames by rightclick them and choose nicknames by leftklick then (note: you can't delete your Default minecraft Name from the saved names menu)

You have to use Java 8 on your Server (because i've used the jdk 8 to develope it)
You must have the craftbukkit-1.8.3 jar or later

if you hav any questions or wishes for further updates let me know about it you can also send me an mail when you've found some bugs, my mail is:
[email protected]


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jul 4, 2015
  • Last Released File
    Sep 27, 2016
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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