

What it does

It does a few related things in one compact package. It:

  1. It alerts players to a new player who joined the server
  2. Replaces the join, quit and kick texts (makes them fully customizable from the config.yml)
  3. Has an option to disable some or any of the notices
  4. Provides an unique player count (as part of the new player alert and on command)
  5. Has an optional warp-to-spawn for new players (so your spawn can be exactly where you want it)

How it works

It's simple, there's 2 files. The plugin and the config.yml (which auto generates on run and updates).

It doesn't use a database, it only stores the player count in the config.yml along with the strings it displays and the options to disable the different alerts and new player warp-to-spawn feature.

The set up

  1. Copy to your plugins directory
  2. Restart (or reload, if you insist) to generate the config.
  3. Make any changes to the config
  4. Restart (or reload) if any changes were made
  5. In game, run the /pc update command to update the number of players that have joined the server
  6. Enjoy!

The commands

The main command is /playercount or /pc for short. All the commands below can be substituted with /pc

/playercount - Lists the number of players

/playercount update - Updates the number of players that have played (Useful on first setup)

/playercount reload - Reloads the config from disk (new in v0.3)

/playercount (t or toggle) (option) - Root command to toggle the below options.

- Option would be one of the following:

newplayer - Toggles the new player announcement

returning - Toggles the returning player announcement

quitting - Toggles the player quit announcement

kicked - Toggles the player quit announcement (new in v0.3)

The permissions

There are only 2 permission nodes:

npa.noannounce - Will skip announcing their join/quit messages.

npa.admin - Has the ability to toggle the announce options and update the player count.

Usage Stats (Thanks to!)


If you'd like to donate, I have a link for that.


Thanks for keeping me motivated! :D


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    May 3, 2012
  • Last Released File
    Sep 2, 2012
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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