How to use.

First, you must add this plugin in your build path, and you do that by,

• Right Clicking on your Java Project
• Clicking "Build Path"
• Then clicking "Add external archives"
• Double-Clicking where you downloaded NewDevAPI

After these steps, we have to start coding.
So now we do,

• At the top of your main class, or any class, You must put this line of code under the "public class (Class Name) extends JavaPlugin{",
you want to type in..

 public final NewDevAPI ndAPI = new NewDevAPI(); 

And that has just setup NewDevAPI! But now to start using it, you have to...

Type "ndAPI." (with the dot) Then click "Control + Space" at the same time (On Mac is "Command + Space") then it will show ALL the methods,

Just remember some things like, "ndAPI.class" those aren't methods, those are just referring to the "NewDevAPI" class.
And lastly in your plugin.yml you want to put,

depend: [NewDevAPI]


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