MySQL Register

MySQL Register

A simple plugin that allows your users to /register. Please note that this is not a in-game registration plugin, it is made specifically for those who want a website for their server, and want to make sure their players cannot steal another's IGN.

This plugin uses SQLibrary, and I greatly appreciate PatPeter, who created it. It is included in the JAR, and you don't need to install it as a separate plugin.

Usage: /register [Email] [Password] [Password Confirmation]

Setup: Simply put this plugin in your plugins folder, launch your server, and a default config file should be generated. It will try to connect using the default details, and will print a bunch of errors to console. Stop your server, and follow the below instructions to set up your connection.

The config file:

  hostname: localhost #The hostname/IP of the MySQL server, defaults to localhost
  port: 3306 #The port for the MySQL connection (don't change this if you don't know why you need to,) defaults to 3306
  name: minecraft #The database that is contains the table containing usernames, passwords, and emails, defaults to minecraft
  username: plugin #The username for the connection, defaults to plugin
  password: password #The password for the connection, defaults to password
  table-name: users #The table name that the data is going to be stored in, defaults to users
  user-column: username #The name of the column that the username of a player that registers is going to be stored in, defaults to username
  password-column: password #The name of the column that the password is going to be stored in (needs to be accept at least 32 characters, since the password is hashed in MD5,) defaults to password
  email-column: email #The name of the column that the email is going to be stored in, defaults to email
hashing: md5 #The hashing to be used, options are md5, sha1, or none. Defaults to none, anything that is not md5 or sha1 will also default to none.

Permissions: This plugin uses the default Bukkit Permissions API, which may not work with some plugins. The permissions node that gives access to the register command is


Current Features:

  • Simple register format
  • Email verification
  • Table name customization
  • Column name customization

Planned Features:

  • Confirmation Email
  • Localization (Plans for Russian, Spanish, French)
  • Different password encryption settings

GitHub: Follow the project's development over at GitHub


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Mar 31, 2013
  • Last Released File
    May 6, 2013
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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