
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

MuteZone - download

What is it?:
Have you ever come on one day, and seen 50 players crowding around the spawn, spamming and screaming your name. Ever wanted areas, where you don't want players to give away info (secret parts of a map, puzzels ect etc). Or, bots sit at your spawn, and spam the server to death. This plugin solves all of these issues! MuteZones allows you to create zones in your world (multiworld supported), where players can't talk. All configuration is ingame, very simple and easy to use :).

How do I use it?:
Just download the plugin, and put it in your plugins folder. Ingame, all you have to do is follow the commands below, so that you can create MuteZones! The MuteZones work like this:

-> You add a MuteZone, it will set the "midblock" to your current location, and it will set the blockradius to the number you specificy
-> The midblock is the middle of the zone, so the block radius is how much away from the midblock (x and z cords) a player will be before they can speak again.
-> When a player walks into the zone, they cannot speak, and they are alerted.
-> When a player leaves the zone, they are allowed to speak, and are alerted that they can speak.


  • Easy to use.
  • Blocks Chat in certain "zones"
  • Alerts players when they join/leave a MuteZone
  • All configuration done ingame.

    • Commands:

/mz addblock <name> <blockradius> - Add a MuteZone with a specified block radius, will set the middleblock to your current location
/mz setmidblock <MuteZone> - Set the middleblock of a mutezone to your current location.
/mz setblackradius <MuteZone> <blockradius> - Set the block radius for a mutezone
/mz list - List all of the MuteZone's
/mz remove <MuteZone> - Remove a MuteZone


Quote: - Allow a player to use /mz
MuteZone.ignore - Ignore a player when they are in a MuteZone (doesn't block their chat)


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    May 15, 2012
  • Last Released File
    May 15, 2012
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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