
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

Plugin MurdersList

Current version: 1.1
Download latest build: MurdersList.jar

Where can I get plugin source?

Here on GitHub:

What is this plugin good for

Plugin MurdersList saves killing statistics to MySQL table. So you can use this plugin on your webpage. Statistics include data like killer (name of player who killed another player), name of killed player, name of world where the murder was done, id of killer's weapon, killer's armor, killers health, list of potions used by killer and killed player, health taken in last hit, time when murder happend and specific murder's id.


Download the latest version of MurderLists and put it into plugins folder. When you start your server, plugin will automatically create folder and config.yml file with MySQL access information. Then stop your server, fill config.yml with correct access data (hostname, username, password and database name) and turn on your server. If the connection to MySQL will be successful, plugin will automatically create table in database.
Then you can use plugin without problems!

Setting config.yml

SqlHostname: 'IP adress of MySQL server, like (localhost)'
SqlPort: 'MySQL server port (default is 3306)'
SqlUsername: 'Username used to access the MySQL'
SqlPassword: 'Password used to access the MySQL'
SqlDatabase: 'Database on MySQL server, where will be create table'
TablePrefix: 'Write here table prefix (e.g. mc_) or leave it blank'

Columns in MySQL table

  • world - Name of world.
  • killer - Name of killer.
  • killed - Name of killed player.
  • weapon - Id of used weapon. 0 means hand.
  • armor - 4 ids of armor (helmet, chestplate, leggings, boots) used by killer. 0 means empty slot.
  • health - Health status of killer. Max is 20 points. 1 point is half of hearth.
  • killerpot - List of potions used by killer.
  • killedpot - List of potions used by killed player before death.
  • lasthit - Health taken from killed player by last hit. 1 point is half of hearth.
  • time - Time when the murder happend.
  • id - Specific id of murder.

PHP file

You can download it in ZIP file here:
Just set in first few lines correct data for connection to MySQL server, and you can let the code be.


  • /murderslist - Information about plugin.

To do

  • Reload command.
  • Get enchantment on weapons and armor.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Aug 7, 2012
  • Last Released File
    Oct 11, 2012
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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