This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.


MultiMOTD is a simple messaging plugin which allows you to customize the client server list MOTD and have a custom ingame MOTD, it also allows for randomization of these messages.

> Download v1.2.2 Here - Tested and works on 1.7.x <

Want a custom plugin or want this one rebranded? Add me on skype (craig-egerton) or check out


/multimotdHave any sub-command of /multimotdView all available MultiMOTD commands
/multimotd motdHave any sub-command of /multimotd motdView all available MOTD commands
/multimotd motd enabledmultimotd.motd.enabled.checkCheck to see if the server list MOTD is enabled
/multimotd motd enabled [true/false]multimotd.motd.enabled.changeChange if the server list MOTD is enabled
/multimotd motd randommultimotd.motd.random.checkCheck to see if the server list MOTD is random
/multimotd motd random [true/false]multimotd.motd.random.changeChange if the server list MOTD is random
/multimotd loginmotdHave any sub-command of /multimotd loginmotdView all available Login MOTD commands
/multimotd loginmotd enabledmultimotd.loginmotd.enabled.checkCheck to see if the login MOTD is enabled
/multimotd loginmotd enabled [true/false]multimotd.loginmotd.enabled.changeChange if the login MOTD is enabled
/multimotd loginmotd randommultimotd.loginmotd.random.checkCheck to see if the login MOTD is random
/multimotd loginmotd random [true/false]multimotd.loginmotd.random.changeChange if the login MOTD is random
/multimotd reloadmultimotd.reloadReload the MultiMOTD config
/multimotd resetmultimotd.resetReset the MultiMOTD config to default


By default the configuration file shows this:

uniquePlayers: 0
lastLogin: ''
lastLoginDisplay: ''
enableMOTD: true
randomMOTD: true
- '&4MultiMOTD is working but no MOTD has been set, please set one!'
- '&4No MOTD has been set for MultiMOTD!'
- '&bWhitelist: &9%whitelist% &b| &4Banned Player Count: &c%bannedplayercount%'
- '&4MultiMOTD, made by CraigEge'
enableLoginMOTD: true
randomLoginMOTD: true
delayLoginMOTD: 0
- '&4MultiMOTD is working but no Login MOTD has been set, please set one!'
- '&4No Login MOTD has been set for MultiMOTD!'
- '&bWelcome &9%player_name%&b, %n%&bThere are currently &9%players%&b/&9%maxplayers% &bplayers online!'
- '&4MultiMOTD, made by CraigEge'

Here is a rundown of all the settings:

How many unique players have joined the server since the plugin was installed
The last person to log in to the server
A formatted version of lastLogin (how it shows in chat with colours etc.)
Is the server list MOTD enabled (true/false) - If false, the default MOTD in the servers config will be used
Is the server list MOTD random (true/false)
A list of all the messages the server list MOTD will randomize between, if randomMOTD is false then only the first entry of MOTD will be used!
Is the login MOTD enabled (true/false)
Is the login MOTD random (true/false)
How many seconds to wait before sending out the MOTD to the player (e.g. 0.5 would wait half a second before printing the message)
A list of all the messages the login MOTD will randomize between, if randomLoginMOTD is false then only the first entry of loginMOTD will be used!

Color Codes

MultiMOTD usese the default Minecraft color codes, to use them see below, just replace the # with a & to use them!
Minecraft Color Codes

You can also do &k for random characters, &l for bold, &m for strikethrough, &n for underlined, &o for italics and &r to reset all the formatting after that point!

Variables Used By Server List MOTD And Login MOTD

%n%Start a new line
%millisecond%Millisecond (Server Time)
%second%Second (Server Time)
%minute%Minute (Server Time)
%hour%Hour - 12 Hour Clock (Server Time)
%24hour%Hour - 24 Hour Clock (Server Time)
%am_pm%Whether it is AM or PM (Server Time)
%day%Day of the month (Server Time)
%month%Month - Number format (Server Time)
%month_text%Month - Text format (Server Time)
%year%Year (Server Time)
%nether%Whether the Nether is allowed
%end%Whether the End if allowed
%fly%Whether flying is allowed
%default_gm%The default gamemode
%bukkitver%The version of bukkit the server is running
%ip%The server IP
%port%The server port
%players%The amount of players currently online
%lastlogin%The last player to log in to the server
%lastlogin_display%A formatted version of %lastlogin% (the players name as it is shown in chat with colours etc.)
%maxplayers%The maximum amount of players allowed online at once
%unique%How many unique players have joined the server
%onlinemode%Whether the server is in online mode
%motd%The default MOTD set in the main server config
%serverid%The ID of the server
%bannedplayercount%The amount of players banned
%whitelist%Whether the server has a whitelist
%whitelistplayercount%The amount of players whitelisted
%hardcore%Whether the server is in hardcore mode
%worlds%A list of all the worlds on the server
%plugins%A list of all the plugins on the server

Variables Used Just By Login MOTD

%player_name%The name of the player
%player_ip%The IP of the player
%player_loc%The location of the player (X, Y, Z co-ords)
%player_display%The display name of the player (the players name with formatting)
%player_fly%Whether the player is allowed to fly
%player_exp_total%The players total experience
%player_exp%The amount of experience the player has
%player_level%The players level
%player_exptolevel%The amount of experience the player needs to level up
%player_food%The amount of hunger the player has (1 = half a hunger bar)
%player_food_bars%The amount of hunger the player has in terms of food notches - e.g. 3.5 food notches
%player_saturation%How much extra hunger the player has over the full hunger bar)
%player_health%The amount of health the player has (1 = half a heart)
%player_health_hearts%The amount of health the player has in terms of hearts - e.g. 3.5 hearts
%player_time%The players in-game time in ticks (may not be relative to worlds time)
%player_time_am_pm%The players in-game time like a real clock - e.g. 9:52 PM (may not be relative to worlds time)
%player_time_offset%The difference between the players in-game time and the worlds time in ticks
%player_gm%The players gamemode
%player_op%Whether the player is an OP
%world%The name of the world the player is in
%world_spawn%The location of the worlds spawn (X, Y, Z co-ords)
%time%The worlds time
%time_am_pm%The worlds time like a real clock - e.g. 11:02 AM
%rain%Whether it is raining
%thunder%Whether there is a thunder storm
%ambient_spawnlimit%The bat spawn limit
%animal_spawnlimit%The animal spawn limit
%water_spawnlimit%The squid spawn limit
%monster_spawnlimit%The monster spawn limit
%structures%Whether structures can generate in the world
%animals%Whether animals are allowed in the world
%monsters%Whether monsters are allowed in the world
%seed%The world seed
%difficulty%The worlds difficulty in number format (0 - Peaceful, 1 - Easy, 2 - Normal, 3 - Hard)
%difficulty_text%The worlds difficulty in text format
%pvp%Whether PvP is enabled
%whitelisted%A list of all whitelisted players
%banned%A list of all banned players

Currently added in next version

  • Nothing


  • Allow for adding and removing of messages through commands
  • Special messages that only appear at specific times, dates etc.

Contact Me

If you have any problems, bugs or ideas then please contact me at [email protected] or leave a comment!


03/02/2013 - v1.2.2
- Added a configurable delay in seconds to the login MOTD (variable named delayLoginMOTD in config) - Supports values like 0.5 (half a second)

15/01/2013 - v1.2.1
- Fixed a new line bug on the main server list (possibly cause by a Java 6/7 issue)

31/12/2013 - v1.2
- Added new line support to the server list
- Added %lastlogin% - The last player to log in to the server
- Added %lastlogin_display% - A formatted version of %lastlogin% (the players name as it is shown in chat with colours etc.)

07/06/2013 - v1.1.1
- Added a simpler version of %bukkitver% that just displays what Minecraft Version it is compatible with (%bukkitver_simple%)
- Fixed the bug where the actual date/time would not update without reloading the server

27/03/2013 - v1.1
- Added hunger in terms of bars (%player_food_bars%)
- Variable saying whether the server is hardcore (%hardcore%)
- Unique Player Count (%unique%) - NOTE: Will only count players after plugin updated

06/12/2012 - v1.0
- Initial Release


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Dec 6, 2012
  • Last Released File
    Feb 2, 2014
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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