Multi-Language Support


Translating the text inside MultiChannel couldn't be easier. The lang.yml file that is generated inside the plugin folder contains every message's text which is changeable. When changing the language file, please remember that any changes you make will only work after a reload.

Known Issues

The lang.yml file is in fact a YML file, so any apostrophes must be escaped so they can be used inside the file. Escaping works as follows:

 channelNotFound: '&cCouldn''t find the&f &t &cchannel!'

As you can see, there are two apostrophes '' next to each other, which is a form of escaping.

Default lang.yml File

  usage: '&cUsage:&f /&t <create, join, leave, info, setpass, setowner, delete>'
  adminUsage: '&cAdmin usage:&f /&t <spy, reload>'
  channelOwner: '&cYou must assign somebody else as the owner of the group'
  usage: '&cUsage:&f /&t setowner <member>'
  lastMemberLeave: '&cYou were the last remaining member of&f &t &cchannel'
  leaveEmpty: '&cIt has been removed because it is empty'
  join: '&t has joined the channel'
  incorrectPassword: '&cIncorrect password'
  requiresPassword: '&cThis channel requires a &fpassword&c.'
  name: '&cChannel name:&f &t'
  owner: '&cChannel owner:&f &t'
  password: '&cChannel password:&f &t'
  members: '&cChannel members:&f &t'
  deleted: '&cYou have deleted the &f&t &cchannel'
  deletedAdmin: 'This channel has been deleted by the owner'
  deletedOwner: 'This channel has been deleted by an admin'
  leave: '&t has left the channel'
  notOwner: '&cYou must be channel owner to use this!'
  created: '&cYou created the &f&t &cchannel'
  createdTalk: '&cTo talk in this channel, use &f/chat'
  passwordUpdated: 'The channel password has been updated'
  newOwner: 'The channel owner is now &t'
  enabled: '&cYou can now see messages from all channels!'
  disabled: '&cYou can no longer see all channel messages!'
  channelNotFound: '&cCouldn''t find the&f &t &cchannel!'
  notInChannel: '&c&t isn''t in a channel!'
  otherNotInChannel: '&cYou''re currently not in a channel!'
  alreadyInChannel: '&cYou''re already in a channel!'
  playerNotInChannel: '&cThat member isn''t in your channel!'
  noPerms: '&cYou do not have permission to use this!'
  noPermsChannel: '&cYou need the &t permission to join this channel!'
  subcommandNotRecognised: '&cSubcommand not recognised'
  playerNotFound: '&cPlayer not found!'
  reloaded: '&cReloaded all configs!'


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