xAdminChat (Multichannel)

xAdminChat (MultiChannel)

General Information

This is one of my first bukkit plugins, so if you run into trouble, please feel free to let me know. I appreciate constructive criticism.

This is another one of those plugins to communicate with other staff on your server. I created it and posted it as an alternitive to some of those servers out there who use /helpop to communicate,. I made this plugin to be a somewhat advanced plugin that will relay chat to different levels of staff. If you have any suggestions, I would LOVE to hear them. Thank you!


When you are in game, you may use this plugin to communicate amongst people of different rankings. To send a message to all of the specified admins of the server, you must type /a with you r message, following that command. For example if I wanted to send a message to all of the admins about there being a griefer, then I would use the following command:

/a I think there is a griefer at these coordinates.

That command would send a message to all of the admins on a minecraft server as following:

[Admin] I think there is a griefer at these coordinates.

The same ting works for moderators. If you wish to send a message to all of the moderators of the server, then you would do the command:

/m That is not a griefer, it is his own house.

The preceding command would send a message to all of the online moderators as follows:

[Mods] That is not a griefer, it is his own house.


/a <message> This command broadcasts the message specified to all of the users on the server with the xAdminChat.admin permission.

/m <message> This command broadcasts the message specified to all of the users on the server with the xAdminChat.mod permission.


Permission Node: xAdminChat.admin

Description: This node will make it so that you may send and receive admin chat messages.

Permission Node: xAdminChat.mod

Description: This node will make it so that you may send and recieve moderator chat messages.


  • Add in more permissions nodes, so that you may send with a different permission than recieving.
  • Add player names in with the messages to identify the sender.
  • Implement toggling on/off of the chats.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jul 24, 2013
  • Last Released File
    Oct 11, 2013
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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