
-More Mob Heads-

MoreMobHeads has been completely revamped. In version 2.0 the plugin became much more efficient and the whole architecture changed! As well as introducing my "cloud" service to the plugin which will simply allow me to change the mobs's skins and add new mobs to the plugin WITHOUT server owners needing to re-download the plugin in-case someone changes their skin! This new version was released on 1/26/2014 in spite of over 4,000 downloads of MoreMobHeads! I hope you enjoy this new update that includes much more mobs and is in the cloud, thanks! Currently highest downloadable build: v2.0 The thread is COMPLETELY updated to the most recent version.

MoreMobHeads (MMH) provides more of a variety of head drops from mobs. We use reliable skins that are integrated within the plugin to handle the heads. MMH will add 17 new mob heads, not even including the vanilla head drops! Therefore, there will be a total of 22 different heads to choose from in normal Minecraft with no required mods. A showcase is displayed below showing all of the available mob heads. This is useful as administrative tools for building your server. If you are creating a place like a Ruins you may need new mob heads to keep the theme of the Ruins. Also, finding these heads normally in Minecraft will be a neat mechanic for people to use. Then they could possibly exchange their heads, the possibilities are endless for each type of player, whether an admin, player, or anyone. In the rare occasion that you kill me, AstramG you could get an AstramG head drop which is pretty cool and rare. However, soon I will include options in the config to disable this.

MMH also features permissions and a configuration file to give you your own input into the plugin.


- /mmh list - Opens a list of all of the mobs that MMH supports.
- /mmh spawnHead <mob> - Spawns the chosen mob's head. Requires OP or MoreMobHeads.SpawnMobHeads permission
- /mmh spawnPlayerHead <player> - Spawns <player>'s head for you. Requires OP or MoreMobHeads.SpawnPlayerHead permission


- MoreMobHeads.SpawnMobHead - Access to spawning heads without killing the mobs
- MoreMobHeads.SpawnPlayerHead - Access to spawning any head just with the player name


getLoreHead: <true or false>
headFileURL: <URL>
useCloudFile: <true or false>
Enabled: <true or false>
Chance: <RATE>
Enabled: <true or false>
Chance: <RATE>
- getLoreHead chooses whether or not to show the head's image in the lore of the item NEW FEATURE!
- headFileURL the URL that connects with the cloud service to download the heads. (Don't change if you don't know what you're doing)
- useCloudFile toggles whether or not to download automatic updates to the plugin and keeps all heads working. Default is true.
- <RATE> is a percentage of the chance of receiving a head upon killing a mob.
- Astram is wether or not dropping Astram heads for killing me, AstramG is allowed.
- Players is wether or not players will drop their heads with the same rate specified above, this is good for getting other players heads and not only mob heads.


v 2.0:

- Added Cloud Service
- Added More Mobs
- Made plugin more efficient
- Doesn't require updates for fixing heads
- Rewrote plugin architecture

v 1.3:

- Added Ghast head
- Fixed code to allow breaking of heads to not have the head name change
- Fixed EnderDragon head drop glitch

v 1.2:

- Added PluginMetrics support!
- Allows spawning of any player head.
- Added player head drops
- Toggling Astram head drops

Coming Soon:

- API References

Additional Information:

If you are using this plugin on your server feel free to list your server IP in the comments below and I may advertise it right here in this BukkitDev project page. Also, my server IP is: if you want to try the plugin out for yourself. Thank you!


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    May 19, 2013
  • Last Released File
    Jan 27, 2014
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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