Generic Custom Block .YML File

The following is an example of a custom block's YML configuration file. The YML's file name is extremely important as it is the actual in-game name of your block. You are allowed to use spaces in this name. Also, you can specify specific numeric values for the file names as well that match in game block ID's to create custom recipes for already in-game blocks.

The name of the below file for example is: Asphalt.yml

Type: Block
Title: Asphalt
BaseId: 4
Rotation: true
Texture: AlmuraCustom3.png
- 896 128 128 128
Hardness: 1.5
ItemDropAmount: 1
- Type: Shaped
  Amount: 4
  Ingredients: |
    13 13 13
    263 263 263
    13 13 13


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