Version History


MoreBows 1.0.0 - Added crafting-recipe for Fire Bow MoreBows 1.8.0 - Added crafting-recipe for deverse Bows MoreBows 1.9.0 - Added crafting-recipe for Helmets and Arrows
⇒ Added Lightning and Explosion Bow MoreBows 1.9.5 - Added Disappearance and Poison Bow MoreBows 1.9.6 - Removed Player-shooting-Player bug with Disappearance-Bow MoreBows 1.9.7 - Removed Skeleton-shooting-Player bug MoreBows 1.9.8 - Added Freeze-Bow MoreBows 2.0.0 - Bug Fixes
-Fixed Spiders not getting frozen
-Fixed Spiders/ZombiePigman not getting poisoned
-Changed nametags of the special bows(Bow ⇒ Poison Bow) MoreBows 2.1.0 - Updated for Minecraft 1.5
- Added Ghast-Bow
- Changed Crafting-Recipe for Lightning Bow MoreBows 2.1.1 - Keeping up with latest snapshots
-added if(entity.isOnGround){} for Freeze-Bow
-added Wither-Bow MoreBows 2.1.5 - Keeping up with latest snapshots
- Snapshot Craftbukkit #2723
- only Op can use the Wither, Fireball, Freeze and Lightning bows now.
- Freeze-bow now works on mostly every mob. MoreBows 2.2.5- Craftbukkit Beta Build
- Witherbow adds Wither effect randomly, like the Wither-Boss itself
- Bows can be disabled in config.yml
- removed need for op-permissions
- Ghast Bow consumes one Fire-Charge and one arrow per shot MoreBows 2.2.6
- Ability to activate Ghast-Bow in the normal world by changing config.yml
- added /morebows command to test if the plugin is activated MoreBows 2.3.0
-Ability to change the explosion radius of the Explosion-Bow in config.yml
-/mbgive <player> <bow> to cheat the bows
-/mblist to list the available bows
-changed the lore-colors from purple to gray
-bows with purple work aswell as the new gray ones
-finally, added check for permission (default: true)
-disabled bows cant be crafted Morebows 2.3.2
-crafted lightning-bows are uncharged, they need to be activated by using a lightning-soul
-added lightning-soul , rightclick to activate uncharged lightning-bows Morebows 2.4.0
-fixed server error from Morebows 2.3.1
-fixed morebows.bows.explosion permission
-fixed morebows.command permission
-changed config.yml system: Explosion-bow:
  crafting: true
  using: true
  radius: 0.5 Morebows 2.4.4
-added Squid-Bow:
-> players get blindness effect
-> consumes one ink-sac per shot
-added Ender-Bow:
-> teleports the player
-> consumes one Enderpearl per shot -changed whole Event-Listener thing:
-> effects attached to arrows not the item in hand
---> Player is now able to shoot and switch the item in hand befor the arrow hits the ground/mob
- effect-durability of Wither and Squid bow are now configurable
- added /mbreload
Morebows 2.4.5
-updated for 1.6.2
-removed /morebows issue with console Morebows 2.5.1
-added Quiver
-rightklick with arrows in hand to fill them into the quiver
-arrow will be taken automatically to a free spot in your inventory
-holds 320 arrows
-diamond, gold, iron, chainmail and leather quiver available
-can be given using i.e. /mbgive Player Diamond_quiver Morebows 2.5.4
-added Storm-Bow
 ⇒ creates storm and throws enemy into the air
 ⇒ Storm Soul needed to activate
  ⇒ dropped by skeletons in the desert.
-made Storm-Soul and Lightning-Soul cheatable using /mbgive Player Storm_Soul
-added tab-completion for /mbgive
-added permissions for crafting
-permissions can be completely deactivated for servers not using i.e. permissionsEx.
-all permission changes can be seen here: Permissions
-added new command /mbconfig <path> <value> to change config.yml ingame. For example /mbconfig Explosion-bow.radius 5 changes the path "Explosion-bow.radius" to 5.
-added permissions for crafting the bows
-made Freeze-Bow work on players
Morebows 2.5.5
-made Looting III available as an enchant for bows
-added achievements, can be seen here
-cleaned up the code.
-fixed quiver bug
-added ability to disable item-consumption (Ender-,Squid-,Ghast-bow) Morebows 2.6.1
-fix arrows that are not shot by Player causing console error
-change permission-nodes for morebows.command
-added Aquatic-Bow
 ⇒ shot arrows are fast, even underwater
 ⇒ leftclick to get short effects and boost forward a bit
-fixed Ender-Bow resetting look-direction after teleportation
-added Targets
-fixed Tab-Completion
-Freeze bow now freezes properly Morebows 2.6.4
-fix /mblist returning "[Ljava.lang.String;@aec8a2"
-fixed plugin announcing "crafting" when Crafting-Recipes are loaded
-added Vampire-Bow
 ⇒ Mobs that are hit by an arrow bleed, healing the player
 ⇒ leftclick sends out a bat to which the player is teleported afterwards (player flies "as a bat") Morebows 2.6.6
-release Morebows with correct version selected (1.7.9) not 1.7.2
-fix Skeletons causing server error
-fix Vampire-Bow bat resetting look-direction
-added Achievements.announce : true/false in config.yml