
#Money 4 Kill Configuration by sowerdb v2.0.1
#If Random is activated the fixed amount will be deactivated
#command :  /money4kill reload     [permission] money4kill.reload
# OP_plugin_Disable: true    disable msg and money for Operator
OP_plugin_Disable: true
#------------------------------------------------------------------------Economy 1
# Random Eco 1{
RandomKiller: false
RandomKillerMax: 200.0
RandomKillerMsg: "&3Ho <p> you have win <$> !"
RandomVictim: false
RandomVictimMax: 200.0
RandomVictimMsg: "&3Ho <p> you have won <$> :("
# } or Fixe Eco 1{
Message: "&3+ 0.2 Coins"
Money: 0.2
# }
#-------------------------------------------------------------------------Economy 2
# Random Eco 2{
RandomKiller2: false
RandomKillerMax2: 5.0
RandomKillerMsg2: "&3Ho <p> you have win <$> !"
RandomVictim2: false
RandomVictimMax2: 5.0
RandomVictimMsg2: "&3Ho <p> you have won <$> :("
# } or Fixe Eco 2{
Message2: "&6+ 0.3 Coins"
Money2: 0.3
# }
#-------------------------------------------------------------------------Economy 3
# Random Eco 3{
RandomKiller3: false
RandomKillerMax3: 200.0
RandomKillerMsg3: "&3Ho <p> you have win <$> !"
RandomVictim3: false
RandomVictimMax3: 200.0
RandomVictimMsg3: "&3Ho <p> you have won <$> :("
# } or Fixe Eco 3{
Message3: "&5+ 0.5 Coins"
Money3: 0.5


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