

Default config for MonetaryDeathPenalty.

prefix - Display a prefix before the MonetaryDeathPenalty message. To disable type prefix: 0

pvpCost - Enable or disable players losing money when they are killed by another player.

pvpPay - Allow players who kill another player to earn a flat amount of currency (pvpCost must be set to true). To disable type pvpPay: 0

usePercentage - deduct a specified percentage of the players money upon death.

flatPercentage - will deduct the specified percentage of the total players money upon death.

flatAmount - deduct a set value rather than a percentage of the players money. Set usePercentage to false if you wish to use this.

vipFlatPercentage - will deduct the specified percentage of the total players money upon death.

vipFlatAmount - deduct a set value rather than a percentage of the players money. Set usePercentage to false if you wish to use this.

minAmountForPenalty - If a player has less than or equal to this amount no currency will be deducted when they die.

flatAmountBelowMinAmount - If a player has less than or equal to minAmountForPenalty then the value from flatAmountBelowMinAmount will be educted from a player when they die. To disable type flatAmountBelowMinAmount: 0

maxPercentageCap - Will cap the max amount of currency that can be removed from the usePercentage.

currencySymbol - Will output currencySymbolX in the money lost message upon death.

worlds: - MonetaryDeathPenalty will only affect players in the worlds listed.

worldGuardBlackList: - MonetaryDeathPenalty will have no affect on the players within the specified regions.

Supported variables in the custom message;

{0} - gets X: 0 Z: 0 Y: 0
{1} - gets currencySymbol from config
{2} - gets amount lost for dying
{3} - gets name of player killed
{4} - gets amount earned for killing a player

Example 1 - You have been killed. You died at {0} and have lost {1}.
Output 1 - You have been killed. You died at X: 123 Z: 322 Y: 65 and have lost 500 Dollars.
Example 2 - You have been killed. You died at {0} and have lost {2}.
Output 2 - You have been killed. You died at X: 123 Z: 322 Y: 65 and have lost $500.
Example 3 - You have earned {4} for killing {3}.
Output 3 - You have earned 150 for killing Player1.
Example 4 - You have been awarded {5} for the slaying of {3}.
Output 4 - You have been awarded $150 for the slaying of Player1.
Supports all minecraft colours &0,&1,&2,&3 etc


prefix: '&a[MDP] '
pvpCost: true
pvpPay: 150
usePercentage: true
flatPercentage: 10
flatAmount: 500
vipFlatPercentage: 5
vipFlatAmount: 250
minAmountForPenalty: 1000
flatAmountBelowMinAmount: 100
maxPercentageCap: 5000
currencySymbol: $
customMessage: '&6You have died at {0} &6and due to dying you have lost &a{1}&9{2}&6.'
customMessageForKiller: '&6You have earned &a{1}&9{4} &6for killing &d{3}&6.'
- world
- world_nether
- Spawn
- pvpArena


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