

MondoChest generally works fine with the default configuration. However, many configuration options exist to further customize its capabilities.


First you need this in config.yml:

permissions: SuperPerms

Valid permissioning systems:

  • SuperPerms Use Bukkit's built-in permissioning. This supports Essentials GroupManager, PermissionsBukkit, bPermissions, and several others just fine. In addition, if your permissioning system is not working for some reason, or you don't have one at all, defaults to allowing only ops to perform all mondochest.admin actions.
  • Vault Use Vault for permissioning.

Permissions include:

  • mondochest.use: Allows right-clicking MondoChests to shelve items (default: true)
  • mondochest.create_master: Allows setting up new MondoChests (default: ops)
  • mondochest.add_slave: Allows right-clicking MondoSlave signs to add new slaves to a MondoChest (default: ops)
  • mondochest.find: Find how many of an item and where across all slaves
  • mondochest.*: All of the above.
  • mondochest.add_signless_slave: Add a slave without a sign. Still needs to meet normal requirements (limits, etc)
  • mondochest.admin.add_any_slave: Allows adding slaves ignoring ownership
  • mondochest.admin.break_any: Break anyone's MondoChest signs/chests
  • mondochest.admin.open_any: Allows opening anyone's MondoChests (only applies when protection: chest_open is set)
  • mondochest.admin.reload: Allow access to the /mondochest reload command
  • mondochest.admin.no_master_limit: Can create unlimited MondoChests (only applies when the mondochests: per_user limit is set)
  • mondochest.admin.*: All admin permissions
  • mondochest.limits.<group name> Set up limit groups for a user.


If you want protection on the specialty [MondoChest] signs and don't want to use a general protection plugin (or it's not sufficient for this use case) then MondoChest 0.5 can provide various types of protection.

  • signs Turning this on stops anyone but the owner of a sign (or someone with the mondochest.admin.break_any permission) from breaking the sign. Furthermore, with this on, breaking a sign can be utilized to remove chests from a bank.
  • chest_break Turning this on stops anyone but the owner of a mondochest from breaking the chest.
  • chest_open (version 0.6 and up) Turning this on stops anyone but the users allowed to access a mondochest (set with the /mondo allow command) from looking inside the chest, and also from doing a find in the chest.

Item Re-Stacking

MondoChest has an optional additional feature: item restacking. What this can do is stack materials up which don't normally stack (or restack to small amounts, such as snowballs and eggs.) To use this you must set at least one of `restack_master` or `restack_slaves` to true and configure the 'restack_materials' option in the config.yml.

To allow signs, snowballs, and eggs to stack to 64, use this in the config:

  - SIGN
  - EGG

Item ID's must be the Material constants from the Bukkit Javadocs

WARNING do not specify restack_materials with any technical block ids, special blocks, or anything with damage values or you could end up destroying enchants, or dup'ing damage, etc.


Limits are set to prevent people from abusing MondoChest, and also in order to allow server ops to limit how many MondoChests or slaves people have. All of this directly can affect the speed of your server, so it's important to set these sensibly.

Performance-related limits

  • find_max_radius This specifically affects the /mondo find command. It determines how far you can be from the master chest for using the find command. If this is set too high, and the mondochest is in chunks that are not loaded, the chunks will be loaded to get the contents of the chests, which is very slow.
  • slave_max_add_radius This specifies how far a slave chest can be (in any direction, including up or diagonal) from the master chest. If set to more than about 160, this can cause chunks to be loaded whenever a user uses a mondochest to shelve items. Recommend keeping this at something sensible like 150 or less.

User-related limits

  • mondochests_per_user This specifically limits how many MondoChest masters a user can have.
  • slaves_per_master This specifically limits how many MondoSlave chests (not signs, a sign can possibly add up to 4 chests) can be had per mondochest. Note this is only enforced at add time, and has no effect on using MondoChest. Say a user's limit is 10, an admin can add 15 slaves to that user's MondoChest and everything works fine, but that user can't add any until they remove down to under 10.


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