
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.


Hey community!

Many of you would say: "Isn't there already a plugin called 'MobArena', that does the same thing?". Well you're right in some way, because the basic idea of both is to fight against mobs and get rewards. But as you know, in MobArena you can only play at ONE location per arena. If you want to be able to fight in different spots, you would need to make separate arenas. Also you would need to leave/finish the first one and then manually join into the second one for example. MobDungeon takes it further. You can now set multiple locations and get through them without doing something manually. You'll see that later.

So first of all, I want to thank garbagemule for his awesome plugin, MobArena. It's still a better plugin definitely, but we'll see ;)


So one day, I came along the MobArena plugin and I really like it. Some days later, I build a huge arena containing four different locations. They were separated by walls so the players can't get into another arena. I thought about connecting them in some way, e.g. that players would first need to finish the first arena, then get to the next one. The problem was now, I wanted that the players would automatically get teleported to that next arena without them doing anything. But that doesn't work with MobArena. Since I'm programmer who has some years experience in some languages (e.g. C#, C, Java), I thought it would be a nice little project for me to get into bukkit-plugin programming. I already knew bukkit for so long, but didn't really got into developing, so I thought I would be a good start. So here I am with my plugin.


The main Idea is pretty obvious: Kill mobs, get to the next level, receive rewards. Pretty simple, huh? Yeah, but what about the way you get into the next level, or what kind of rewards you get? Well, let's make a list:

  • Requirement to proceed to next level
  • Variety of rewards, like Items and money
  • Be able to create a wave of mobs once, and use it in as many levels as often as you want
  • More levels per dungeon!
  • Be able to create/modify/delete dungeons/levels directly inside the game
  • Easy to use settings-format
  • Classes! You have any other great ideas? Let me know!


Here are all commands that are/will be available:

  • /md list : lists all available dungeons/levels/waves
  • /md info : plugin info
  • /md help : all commands with usage & description
  • /md create : creates a new dungeon
  • /md delete : deletes a dungeon
  • /md addlevel : add level to the current dungeon
  • /md removelevel : removes a level from the current dungeon
  • /md editdungeon : sets the dungeon as the current one and set's him in the edit-state
  • /md setcorner : sets corner of the current level
  • /md deletecorner : deletes a corner with id
  • /md changesize : change size of the level in all directions (up, down, in, out)
  • /md editrequirement : change requirement for completing current level
  • /md setspawn : adds a new monster spawn point
  • /md deletespawn : removes spawn point
  • /md setwarp : adds a warp point
  • /md deletewarp : deletes a warp point
  • /md getcurrent : returns current dungeon & level
  • /md setcurrent : sets current dungeon/level
  • /md save : saves current dungeons/levels/waves/classes
  • /md reload : reloads data into the plugin
  • /md j or /md join : joins a dungeon
  • /md spec or /md spectate : joins as a spectator
  • /md l or /md leave : leaves current dungeon
  • /md generate: creates an area based on the WolrdEdit selection
  • /md setoption: sets the given option to the given value
    You can use /mbd or /mobdungeon as well!


        description: Gives acces to join a dungeon
        description: Enables leaving a dungeon while it's active
        description: Gives access to spectate a dungeon
        description: Gives access to the lists of dungeons/levels/waves
        description: Gives access to all editing commands for a dungeon/level
        description: Saves all data to the files
        description: Loads the data again from files
        description: Enables editing of a dungeon/level for the player
        description: Enables creation of certain things.
        description: Enables deletion of certain things
        description: Enables creation of a dungeon for a player
        description: Enables creation of a level for a player
        description: Enables deletion of a dungeon for a player
        description: Enables deletion of a level for a player
        description: Gives access to setting a warp in a level
        description: Gives access to setting a spawn in a level
        description: Gives access of editing the requirement for the level
        default: false
        description: Gives access of changing the size of a level
      description: Gives access of setting a corner for a level
      description: Used to change level for editing
        description: Gives acces to delete a corner
        description: Gives access to delete a spawn
        description: Gives access to delete a warp

Installation & Setup

To install the plugin, just drop it inside the plugins folder and start the server. Configs will be created automatically! Setup for those things that you can't edit in game will follow!


- Added ready-area
- Fixed issues when WorldEdit is not installed

Version 1.1.4:
- Fixed permissions problem on 'setcorner' command

Version 1.1.3:
- Added min/max players option
- Added multi-language support (You need to write them on your own)
- Added broadcasting messages
- Added small global config
- Added world edit support
- Added button to set yourself ready
- Added entrance fee
- Added set option command to edit dungeon options in game
- Fixed error when loading level with no requirement set
- Fixed permissions (you won't need vault only permissions anymore)
- Fixed using setspawn without parameters
- Fixed update-notification
- Removed "level" optional-parameter from all commands (except where it's a required parameter)
- Unified all items defined anywhere in the config. You'll need to rewrite somm of them, sorry.
- When you finish editing a dungeon, the inventory no longer gets reseted

Version 1.1.2:
- Fixed saving issue
- Added dungeon mode. You can now choose between normal and hardcore (bring your own items)
- Changed change size command. You can now specify which cuboid area you want to change (all cuboids are default)
- Fixed some javadocs

Version 1.1.1:
- fixed saving issue
- finished events

Version 1.1:
- Updated to lates CB version
- Fixed issues with not getting items when dying in the dungeon and it directly ends
- Some other small fixes.
- Added option to enable/disable item sharing between players
- Added Update-notifier
- Added and fixed Bosses
    (Yes, enderdragons work too)
- Added and fixed Abilities
- Added something API-like
- Added temporary permissions for join, leave, spectator and classes !
- Added YAML-Configs!

- Added "sign under block" entrance
- Fixed some things
- Added economy support (Note: you need vault for that!)
- More work on bosses.
- build agains R4
- default config is available again

Version 1.0.6b:
- Forgot some issues with essentials. There shouldn't be issues anymore.

Version 1.0.6:
- Fixed issues with Essentials
- Added ability to enable/disable monster drops
- Started work on bosses

Version 1.0.5:
- Fixed some NullPointerExceptions
- Players now get warped to spectator position when they die.
- Some other changes.
- Fixed chunk not being loaded when leaving/ending the dungeon.
- Added death message.
- Prevented some NPEs.

Version 1.0.4:
- Changed help for some commands and added missing ones.
- Changed the order of parameters for some commands (see help).
- Fixed some issues when trying to enter a dungeon with no levels.
- Fixed spawning more mobs that stetted.
- Fixed issue that the dungeon ends after the first level.
- New spectators now get teleported to the last spectator spot.

Version 1.0.3:
- Fixed some NullPointerExceptions.
- Fixed help command.
- Fixed setcorner and setspawn not working properly.

Version 1.0.2:
- Moved plugin.yml to wok with fatjar.
- Disabled standard config because they don't work with fat jar for some reason...
- Fixed bugs when more than one player is in a dungeon.
- Fixed error when trying to edit a dungeon.
- Modified setSpawn a bit to be easier configureable.

Version 1.0.1:
- Fixed adding items to rewards instead of giving it to player when
selecting class and if amount is greater that 64.
- Fixed default level config.

Version 1.0:
- Initial release.



Thanks for using this and keep me at developing this ;) If you have questions, suggestions, bugs or something else, just let me know.



Current file can be downloaded here: MobDungeonBeta


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