Abilities Setup

Hey guys, this entry will show you how abilties work. There are 6 types of abilities currently available:

- Damage    : Deals damage to one or more players.
- Heal      : Heals the boss (and his allies).
- Fireball  : Shoots a fireball at a specific target.
- Knockback : Knocks (a) player(s) back and deals damage.
- Spawn     : Spawns allies.
- Potion    : Applies a potion effect to players or self.

There are also 4 target types:

- Self   : The boss itself
- Single : Single player
- AOE    : players in a circle
- Cone   : players in a cone in front of the boss

Note: Not every ability type can have every target type! (See "options" below) And last but not least, Distance Types. These are used to select targets:

- Attacker : Last Damager of the boss
- Nearest  : Nearest player to the boss
- Random   : Random player

Now let's get into the settings for abilities. Here we have a single ability:

        target: SELF
        type: HEAL
        amount: 10
        warmupAnnounce: "%name% clams the duck down and regenerates."
        usingAnnounce: "%name% heals himself."
        cooldown: 200
        warmup: 10
        - "range:20"
Name: pretty self explaining. This name is used to add an ability to a         boss.
Target: The target type of the abilitiy (see above).
Type: Ability type (see above).
Amount: Depending on the ability type, amount has different meanings. But            basically it defines how strong the ability is.
  - Damage: Damage dealt to players
  - Heal: Health healed
  - Fireball: no influence
  - Knockback: Strength of the knockback (how far you'll be thrown away)
  - Spawn: Increment of the wave it spawns
  - Potion: Amplifier of potion
WarmupAnnounce: The announce when the boss is in the warmup phase of the          ability
UsingAnnounce: when the boss uses the ability after the warmup
Cooldown: the cooldown the ability has (in seconds)
Warmup: Warmup time for the ability (in seconds)
Options: Various options for abilites which also differ between abilites          AND target types.
  - Damage:
     - Cone:
       - range: radius of the cone
       - angle: max-angle of the cone
     - AOE:
       - range: radius of the circle around the boss
     - Single:
       - range: distance type
  - Heal:
     - Self: 
       - none
     - AOE:
       - none
  - Fireball:
     - Single:
       - target: distance type
       - range: radiues of the damage from the fireball on hit
  - Knockback:
     - Cone:
       - damage: damage dealt
       - range: radius of the cone
       - angle: max-angle of the cone
     - AOE:
       - damage: damage dealt
       - range: radius of the circle around the boss
     - Single:
       - rage: distance type
       - damage: damage dealt
  - Spawn:
       - wave: wave to spawn
  - Potion:
     - Self:
       - duration: duration of the potion effect
       - type: PotionEffect type (see types, link at the bottom)
     - Cone:
       - duration: duration of the potion effect
       - type: PotionEffect type (see types, link at the bottom)
       - rage: radius of the cone
       - angle: max-angle of the cone
     - AOE:
       - duration: duration of the potion effect
       - type: PotionEffect type (see types, link at the bottom)
       - range: radius of the circle around the boss
     - Single:
       - duration: duration of the potion effect
       - type: PotionEffect type (see types, link at the bottom)
       - target: distance type

Thats a whole lot of customization, isn't it?! Here is an example config for all abilities:

        target: SELF
        type: HEAL
        amount: 10
        warmupAnnounce: "%name% clams the duck down and regenerates."
        usingAnnounce: "%name% heals himself."
        cooldown: 200
        warmup: 10
        - "range:20"

        target: AOE
        type: DAMAGE
        amount: 53
        warmupAnnounce: "%name% is gettings angry."
        usingAnnounce: "%name% is angry and destroys the ground."
        cooldown: 200
        warmup: 30
        - "range:20"

        target: SINGLE
        type: DAMAGE
        amount: 8
        warmupAnnounce: "%name% focuses on one person."
        usingAnnounce: "%name% got ya!"
        cooldown: 200
        warmup: 5
        - "range:NEAREST"
        target: SINGLE
        type: FIREBALL
        amount: 1
        warmupAnnounce: "%name% holds his breath."
        usingAnnounce: "%name% opens in again and throws out a fireball"
        cooldown: 100
        warmup: 10
        - "range:5"
        - "target:NEAREST"
        target: SELF
        type: SPAWN
        amount: 1
        warmupAnnounce: "%name% shouts for his friends"
        usingAnnounce: "His friends found the way and are going to help %name%"
        cooldown: 60
        warmup: 20
        - "wave:waveName"
        target: SINGLE
        type: KNOCKBACK
        amount: 2
        warmupAnnounce: "%name% is going to charge."
        usingAnnounce: "CHHHAAAAARRRGEEEE!"
        cooldown: 100
        warmup: 3
        - "range:RANDOM"
        - "target:NEAREST"
        target: CONE
        type: POTION
        amount: 1
        warmupAnnounce: "Let me look in my chest!"
        usingAnnounce: "HAHA! Some potions!"
        cooldown: 100
        warmup: 15
        - "duration:10"
        - "range:10"
        - "angle:45"
        - "type:SLOW"



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