Config Tutorial

Here is an tutorial on how to use the config.yml:

enable: true

# Setting 'enable' to true enables mobs spawning naturally with armor.
# Setting 'enable' to false will disable MobArmor controlling natural spawning. Mobs will STILL spawn naturally with armor, but you can't control it.

Zombie: 20
Skeleton: 20
PigZombie: 20

# These fields control the percent (%) chance of mobs spawning with armor.
# For example, if 'Zombie' is set to 50, then zombies will spawn with custom armor 50% of the time.

# Zombie
ZHelm: Iron_helmet
ZChest: Iron_chestplate
ZLegs: Iron_leggings
ZBoots: Iron_boots
ZItem: Iron_axe

# These are the items the zombie will spawn with. 'ZHelm' is the zombie's helmet, in this case an Iron Helmet.
# Material names are NOT case-sensitive.

# Skeleton
SHelm: Iron_helmet
SChest: Iron_chestplate
SLegs: Iron_leggings
SBoots: Iron_boots
SItem: Iron_sword

# Pretty much the same as for the zombie, but this is for the skeleton.
# PigZombie (Zombie Pigman) is the same as well.

# Zombie Pigman
PZHelm: Iron_helmet
PZChest: Iron_chestplate
PZLegs: Iron_leggings
PZBoots: Iron_boots
PZItem: Diamond_pickaxe

# So, for this particular example, 20% of the time a zombie spawns, he'll spawn with full iron armor and an iron axe.
# Hope this tutorial helped!


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