Mission Hunger Games

This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

This plugin is no longer going to update

Hey everyone! This plugin is now no longer going to be updating as my java .class editor is broken and I can no longer get anymore. This plugin is now gone...forever.....You can take over it if you like but to re-code it you need to download the 1.7.2-R3 version.

Mission Hunger Games

Be the first one alive!


  • A lot of config options (messages, random spawns distances and random events, ...).
  • View a list of winners.
  • You can add your maps or you can let the plugin generate them.
  • There is a lobby !
  • Spawn random items (configurable, you can choose to spawn them in chests).
  • Broadcast random messages (configurable too).
  • Level bar countdown.
  • Integrated kits system.
  • Easy to use API.
  • BungeeCord support.
  • Reward system.
  • Spectator mode integrated.
  • Developed by me :D

Commands and Permissions

/hg join - hungergames.join - Join the current game. /hg leave - hungergames.leave - Leave the current game. /hg infos - hungergames.infos - View infos about the current game. /hg winners <page> - hungergames.winners - View the winners. /hg kit create <name> - hungergames.kits.create - Create a kit. Supports colors :D /hg kit delete <name> - hungergames.kits.delete - Delete a kit. You must include the colors codes (if any). /hg setlobby - hungergames.lobby.set - Set the lobby's spawn to your current position.

Use it with BungeeCord

It is possible ! Check this page for more informations !

Create a Kit

Use /hg kit create <name> to create a kit (supports colors). The first item of your inventory is used to be the icon. Players need to have the permission hungergames.kits.use to obtain a kit. That's all ! You can delete a kit with /hg kit delete <name>.

Example : /hg kit create &7Iron. Create a kit with the name Iron in gray. You can delete it with /hg kit delete &7Iron.

Please, if you want to give armor, do not wear it ! The plugin takes only your inventory but not your armor !

Where is the file "config-data"?

t where the plugin stores its data. You can edit it so you can add kits, rewards and random items. I have added examples, please keep the same format!

YouTube Videos


If you are a YouTuber and wanna make a video, please leave a comment with your link ;) You can also post pictures as long as they have a relationship with the plugin.

Services in the plugin

This plugin utilizes Hidendra's plugin metrics system, which means that the following information is collected and sent to mcstats.org :

  • A unique identifier.
  • The server's version of Java.
  • Whether the server is in offline or online mode.
  • The plugin's version.
  • The server's version.
  • The OS version/name and architecture.
  • The core count for the CPU.
  • The number of players online.
  • The Metrics version.


This cost me a lot of money to make this plugin! Please considering donating to release these updates more quickly!


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jul 5, 2015
  • Last Released File
  • Total Downloads
  • License

