Default config.yml

# [Meow]config -- Plugin by: TheJ0y -- SET "opOnly: true" TO USE PERMISSIONS -- "DingNotMeow" REPLACE MEOWS WITH DINGS!
# Version: 1.0 B1.5.2
#   Set the sound you want to use instead of "Meow"
####meow, eggpop, teleport, explode, plong.
ReplaceMeowWith: meow
#   The minimum time(in seconds) a player must wait between each meow/rmeow
CooldownInSeconds: 30
#   Do /rmeow use cooldown? (if false, players can /rmeow at will) (true - false)
rMeowCooldown: true
######################### Join Sound #########################################################################
#   Play a sound when a player join? (true - false)
SoundOnJoin: true
#   Sounds: meow, eggpop, teleport, explode, plong.
SoundToPlay: eggpop
######################### Misc #########################################################################
#   Detect player name in chat and set them GREEN if they are online!(must be exact name... prevent bugs) (true - false)
OnlinePlayerChecker: true
#   This plugin use MetricsLite to know how many server use [Meow] and allow me to know if it worth keeping it alive ;) (true - false)
Metrics: true
#   If a player do '/meowstop' his name will be added below. Any player here will NOT ear a sound when meow'd
- NoMeowForMe