

A sample configuration with comments:

# Message when player get from rewards.
money-message: '%6%You received %money% money.'
# New skillname: power
# power is equal to power level
skillname: # Any skillname from mcmmo. Example: archery,mining,excavation.
  - items: # Items (Optional)
    - id: 276 # Item id
    amount: 1 # Item amount
    enchantments: # Enchantments (Optional)
    - id: 16 # Enchantment id (Sharpness)
      level: 5 # Enchantment level
    - id: 17 # Enchantment id (Smite)
      level: 5 # Enchantment level
    money: 100.0 # Money reward (Optional)
    permissions: # Permission reward (Optional)
    - test.perm
    - test2.perm
    groups: # Group reward (Optional)
    - test1
    - test2
    perms-req: # Permissions require to get the rewards (Optional)
    - test.reqall
    - test2.reqall
	permissions-for-world: 'world' # Permissions will be added for the specified world. If you want it to be global just forget this. (Optional, Default: GLOBAL)
	groups-for-world: 'world' # Groups will be added for the specified world. If you want it to be global just forget this. (Optional, Default: GLOBAL)
    groups-req: # Groups require to get the rewards (Optional)
    - test1-req
    - test2-req
    worlds: # The player will only get the rewards if he is in one of the listed worlds,if not defined,then it will work in all worlds (Optional,Default: all)
    - 'world_nether'
    - 'world_end'
    run-commands: # Run commands if the player meet the requirements. (Optional)
    - "say test"
    - "broadcast test"
    everylevel: 10 # The player will get every 10 level rewards (Optional,Default: 1)
    minlvl: 1 # Minimum level to get the reward
    maxlvl: 1000 # Maximum level to get the reward
    money-message-enable: false # If you want custom message for money reward at this skill,set to false. If true it will use the money-message (Optional,Default: true)
    broadcast-message-enabled: true # Enable Broadcast messages (Optional,Default: false)
    broadcast-messages: # Broadcast messages (Optional)
    - '%5%%playername% reached %skilllvl% in %skillname% skill.'
 # Messages showed.
# All color is possible. %colorcode%
# %1%,%2%,%3%,%4%,%5%,%6%,%7%,%8%,%9%,%a%,%b%,%c%,%d%,%e%,%f%,%k%
# Possible variables:
# %money% money received
# %skillname% skillname
# %playername% playername
    messages: (Optional)
    - '%4%You have received test2.deny'
    - '%5%You have received test2.allow'
    - '%6%You have received test1 group.'
    - '%7%You have received test2 group.'
    - 'You have received 64 Torch.'
    - '%6%You received %money% money.'

Multi skill example:

money-message: '%6%You received %money% money.'
    - skills:
      - Excavation
      - Mining
      minlvl: 5
      maxlvl: 5
      - Works
      money: 100.0
    - skills:
      - Excavation
      - Herbalism
      - Mining
      minlvl: 5
      maxlvl: 5
      - Works2
      money: 100.0

Multi reward example:

money-message: '%6%You received %money% money.'
  - minlvl: 1
    maxlvl: 1
	money: 100.0
  - minlvl: 2
    maxlvl: 2
	money: 100.0
  - minlvl: 3
    maxlvl: 3
	money: 100.0


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