main/User Manual

User Manual

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MCClans allows you to create your own clan. This guide will talk you through the basic functions of MCClans. To get the full list of commands ingame, type /clan help. Use /clan help 2 etc. to browse the help pages.

Clan creation. Clan disbanding. Clan and player info

You can create a clan by typing /clan create <clanTag> <clanName>. For example: /clan create Derp Amazing Derp Clan. This will create the clan "Amazing Derp Clan" with the tag "Derp". This tag will be shown in chat. Having created your clan you can look at the general info by typing /clan info. View another clan's info by using /clan info <clanTag>. Look at your own player info using /clan player info or someone elses player info using /clan player info <playerName>. Disbanding your clan is done with /clan disband.

View excisting clans ranked by KDR. View excisting players ranked by KDR

To see a list of all the clans type /clan list. A similar list but for players can be seen using /clan leaderboard.

Change clan tag color. Invite player to clan. Invite ally

Now it's time to customize the color of your clan tag, invite another player to your clan and make some allies. Using the command /clan tag color <color> you can change your clan tag color. For example /clan tag color dark_red or /clan tag color &5 ( To invite another player type /clan invite <playerName>. For example /clan invite RaZoR1R0T. To invite another clan to become allies type /clan ally invite <clanTag>. For both player and ally invites the other player or clan are able to accept or decline the invite.


Clans and allies have their own private channels. To talk to your clan members you can use the command /clan chat clan. Or in short: /cc. To talk to your allies you can use the command /clan chat ally. Or in short: /ac. To talk in the regular global channel use /clan chat global. Or in short: /g. All these commands can be used as toggles. For example: You can use /cc to toggle into clan chat, and then use /g or /cc again to toggle back into the global channel. But you can also use these commands to send a message directly. For example: You can use /cc <message> to send a one-time message into clan chat without toggling into the clan chat channel.

Setting up ranks

MCClans allows you to create your own clan ranks. If you want to make your own Sub-Leader rank, with all the permissions the clan owner has, you can. If you want to make a rank for Jiksta that has no permission to talk in ally chat, you can. First let's see what ranks exist in the clan right now by typing /clan rank view. You can see that by default 3 ranks have been created. The Owner rank, only available to the clan creator. The Recruit rank, that all invited players end up in by default. And a Member rank that serves as a suggestion to which permissions a regular member might have. The Owner and Recruit rank cannot be changed or removed, the plugin depends on these ranks existing. The Member rank can be changed or removed as it merely serves as a suggestion. Every command, or group of commands available to clans require a certain permission. To see all the available permissions type /clan rank permission view. If you want to create a new rank, type /clan rank create <rankName>. This rank will now show up at /clan rank view. As you can see it has no permissions. Players with this rank will not be allowed to use any commands that require permission. Let's say we created a rank called 'LameRank' and we want to add the permission to talk in clan and ally chat. First we would look up the required permission names using /clan rank permission view. Here we can see that these permissions are 'clanchat' and 'allychat'. Now we can add both these permissions to the 'LameRank' by typing /clan rank permission add LameRank clanchat allychat.

Assign ranks

Let's assign a rank to a clan member. First let's see who are in your clan by typing /clan roster. Now look at the available ranks using /clan rank view. Use the following command to assign one of these ranks to a member: /clan player setrank <playerName> <rankName>. For example: /clan player setrank Jiksta LameRank.

Kill Death Ratio

The Kill Death Ratio, or KDR, is a number created from your amount of kills and deaths. Generally, the higher your KDR, the better you are at staying alive during PvP. KDR's can be seen on the player and clan info pages (/clan info or /clan player info). Whenever you kill a player, or die from a player, it will affect your KDR. To promote fighting equal or better players and discourage fighting noobs, we use different kill and death factors to balance out the KDR. On your player info page you can see 4 numbers behind your amount of kills and deaths in a format like this: '0 [0:0:0]'. The reason for this is that we use 3 different kill and death factors, being high, medium and low. So when you see that format, what it means is: 'total [high:medium:low]'. High kills and deaths count for 2, medium for 1 and low for 0.1. When you kill a player, or die from a player, it will compare both your KDRs and determin if it counts as high, medium or low. If you want to kill Jiksta and want to know if it will count as a high, medium or low kill you can use /clan player info Jiksta. Same for if you want to see what your death factor is if Jiksta kills you. Clan or ally members with friendly fire protection off that kill each other do not count for KDR.