Resource Pack

The Official Magic Resource Pack

Magic has an official resource pack that adds only two items (meaning it won't conflict with other resource packs):

  • A special wand item, which overrides the wood_hoe (now the default wand item in Magic)
  • The command block, so Automata look a little more ominous.
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Using on Your Server

You are welcome to use my hosted zip file - though I reserve the right to remove this in the future if the bandwidth cost ever gets too high (um, like, not free). Simply add the following to your file:



You are also welcome to download the zip and modify it as you wish, it is provided completely free as in everything. Just unzip, modify, re-zip and host somewhere public.

I chose to use the wood_hoe as my default item for a few reasons:

  • It's rarely crafted by players
  • It's enchantable, so it won't have to get swapped out on the enchantment table
  • It has no natural lore (+ Damage)
  • It won't block on right-click, which makes for wonky wand behavior
  • I dunno, it doubles as a hoe, which is handy?

It's up to you what item you want to use, just make config.yml match (in the future I'd like to have a configurable set of crafting recipes).

You can also still use blaze rods for wands. On my survival server, I have stick, blaze rod, diamond sword, wooden axe (Engineer) and "real" wands all available naturally and/or for sale. This gives some added flexibility in the various levels of "fanciness" you can give to your wand's looks.

The default configuration also overrides the vanilla crafting results for a wood hoe, so you get an iron hoe instead of a hoe that looks like a wand. This can, of course, be disabled or customized, but I don't suspect it'll throw off anyone's economy too much.


The resource pack is built into Magic itself. Right now this is in source form only, but eventually I may add a command that will save the pack to your server, if that sounds useful.

The latest assets can always be found here:


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