
<center> <font size='6' color='blue'>LoseMoney</font>

<font color='gray'>Make your players lose money after death...</font>

With this lightweight plugin you can make your players lose money after death.
</center> You can configure it freely and set the amount,how much money your players loses or you can set it to take all the money from the players.
After a player dies the plugin sends him a short message (you can configure it too) with the amount of $ the player lost.
The plugin doesn't take money from OPs and players who have "losemoney.ignore" permission.
<font color='red'>New feature added to config,please delete plugin's folder when updating!</font>

Plugin source: Link

This plugin uses Vault,please read below!

How to setup:
Simply put the .JAR file in your "plugins" folder and start your server.
The plugin will automatically create a folder for itself,and a configuration file in it.
This plugin is wrote around the Vault API so you must install Vault to use this plugin.

  • Settings.LoseAll - If it's on true when a player dies the plugin takes all of his money,and it's going to ignore Settings.LoseAmount.
  • Settings.LoseAmount - It's a floating-point number,it's the amount of how much money a player lose if he dies.If the Settings.LoseAll is true this property going to be ignored
  • Settings.Percent - If it's on true the plugin will handle Settings.LoseAmount as a percent of the player's money
  • Messages.LoseAll - This message is going to be send to a player if he dies,and the Settings.LoseAll is 'true'.
  • Messages.LoseAmount - This message is going to be send to a player if he dies and the Settings.LoseAll is 'false'.
Note: In the 'Messages.LoseAmount' you can use the '%amount' word (without the ' -s) and the plugin will automatically change this to the lost amount of money.

Permission nodes:
- 'losemoney.ignore'
The plugin will not take money from players with this permission.


ZephyrSigmar - Author
VADemon - Requester

Q:When i start the plugin i get an java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError error.What should i do?
You can get this error if you're using the old version of the plugin.Please download a newer version,what is wrote around Java 6,or if you want to use the old version please download Java 7.
-CB 1.4 Version! -Fixed the event handling,now the plugin works again...
-CB 1.1 Version!
-Added new option: Take player's money in percent!
-Improved money handling system: Now the plugin works with 2 decimal points (if you use more it will round it to 2)
-Now can use any permission system: Permissions is getting hooked by Vault!
-Changed depend to soft-depend: Now if you dont have Vault it won't drop you errors,it will inform you in message and shut down properly
-Check for economy system on startup
-Removed .java files from JAR,source goes to GitHub

-Exported the plugin with Java 6, because of some user had problem with the Java 7 version
-Fixed typo in config (thanks @VADemon for reporting)
-Changed plugin's prefix from [LM] to [LoseMoney] for request

v1.0 - Release of the plugin.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Dec 16, 2011
  • Last Released File
    Mar 1, 2012
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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