tutorials/Using the Voxelsniper command

What is Voxelsniper?

Voxelsniper is a terrain-editing plugin made and used by the VoxelBox server, and made for public use. It's similar to WorldEdit, but allows for more flexible editing.

Why would I use Voxelsniper with LogiBlocks?

Voxelsniper itself is a very dynamic plugin. Combined with the dynamic properties of LogiBlocks, such as random locations and entity variables, and the fact that there is no player involved, you get an extremely dynamic combination. This allows for things such as disappearing walls, jails that appear around a player, or cool animated lighting effects.

Using the Voxelsniper command

The voxelsniper command can only be used by command blocks, and not players.

/c voxelsniper [location] [args]...

[location] - A location variable that signifies where you would normally click with voxelsniper. If unspecified, will default to on top of the command block.

[args]... - A series of values that determine things such as the brush that will be used, the size, the performer, etc. The format goes <command>=<value> where <command> is the command you would normally type for using voxelsniper. A few exceptions are performers (p=mm for example) and BlockFace (What side of the block you clicked on - default top. bf=north for example).


If I typed this in for Voxelsniper:

/b b

/b 5

I would then type this in for the LogiBlocks command:

/c vs @l b=b b=5

(This would make a ball of air with a radius of 5 meters)

Or, for something even more complicated:

/b v ic

/b 10

/vi 0

/vr 5

/vir 3

Would be:

/c voxelsniper @l b=v p=ic b=10 vi=0 vr=5 vir=3

(This would replace all of the jungle planks in a 21x21x21 cube around the location with oak planks)

And here's a good one that demonstrates the power of LogiBlocks combined with Voxelsniper:

/c voxelsniper @p b=b true b=5 p=mm v=7 && c voxelsniper @p b=b true b=4 p=mm vr=7

This will create a hollow dome of bedrock around the nearest player:


Undoing your changes

Any experienced Voxelsniper user knows that if you mess up, /u can always get you out of a sticky situation. The same functionality has been included into LogiBlocks:

/c voxelsniper undo [amount]

[amount] - The amount of undos you wish to do. If unspecified, defaults to 1.

But what if I want to undo specific changes, while not undoing others?

Undos work on a "network" system, similar to how it works in normal Voxelsniper. In normal Voxelsniper, undos are stored based on the player, and when one player uses the /u command, it only undoes their changes. In LogiBlocks, undos only affect the changes made by command blocks of the same name. You can change the name of a command block with an anvil.


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