What to do if LogEx won't work?

Some of you might have issues with LogEx such as no logs of block modifications. For those people, I implemented a little feature that might help you (only for LogEx 1.1.2 and higher!), but I will list also resolutions for other problems as far as I know them (for all versions).

Before doing anything

  1. Check that LogEx is started perfectly
  2. Search your servers log for errors made by LogEx (they often starts with "[SEVERE]", here an example:
2012-08-05 23:24:27 [SEVERE] Could not load 'plugins\LogEx.jar' in folder 'plugins'
  1. If you found such an error, write a ticket, if not, keep reading
  2. Search for the time you started last time the server
  3. Search for the message which says that LogEx will be loaded, like:
2012-08-05 23:24:28 [INFO] [LogEx] Loading LogEx 1.1.2a
  1. Notice the version you downladed here and compare them to the one in the server log, if you downloaded 1.1.2 for example and the server log says "Loading LogEx 1.0", then there is a conflict with an other plugin
  2. Try disable each plugin and enable them step by step until you found the one that is in conflict with LogEx
  3. Send a ticket with the informations to me
  4. If you still have no answers, go ahead to the next chapter

If nothing will be logged

For 1.1.1 and lower:

  1. Download 1.1.2c or higher and try if there is still a problem

For 1.1.2c and higher

  1. Enter "/log self-check" (make sure you have the permission)
  2. Wait until self-check is completed (won't take more that an instant)
  3. Try resolving the red entries like not readable and not writable by asking Google (It doesn't matter if a feature is disabled, those are configurable)
  4. If you have no idea, send a ticket by writing down each red entry


Currently I don't know any other problem which may occur with LogEx, but if someone asks me for help, I will document the problem here

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