
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Leveling is still a work in progress, but it is stable!

Silently, the thief runs across the yard, heading for a large chest, but when he arrives, he has a nasty little surprise waiting; IT IS LOCKED! The thief, prepared for this, takes out 1 gold ingot, and attempts to pick the lock, nearly dead from failing, taking damage after each fail, he finally opens the chest only to find out, that the owner of chest heard him lurking around, they duel, but with the thieve's health low, he doesn't stand a chance. LockPick, a wonderful plugin made by LegoPal92 and calebbfmv, adds a more, realistic touch to the RPG aspect of minecraft, allowing users with the right permission to open a locked chest, with some skill!

Protection's we support!

  • All of them


What LockPick allows user the ability to open chests/doors of other players, adding a more realistic theme to the RPG playing style of minecraft. It is lightweight, simple to use, and we also threw some permissions in there, that way you don't have TOTAL chaos!


1. Download the most recent version from the download link

2. Put the downloaded .jar file into your plugins folder

3. /reload or /stop your server and start it up again!

4. Enjoy!


All someone has to do is right click the item that is pickable, with a pick in their hand, an then vala, his percentage and other variable go into account and we determine if the lock is picked, or he dies!


There are some commands now!

1. /Xp LockPick 2. /Xp Enchanting


- Lockette.Pick - LockPick.PickPocket

To do/Planned Features

1. Add a message to the player who is being picked - Done

2. Add Tekkit Items. (I want to, don't know about lego.) [Lego doesnt want to, because he knows nothing about Tekkit!] - Done

3. Failing to open makes to lose pick. - Done

4. Add leveling. -Done

5. Add ability for players with the right perm, not to be picked (Ideal for admins and Donators)

6. Add ability for command to be run on fail.

7. Add tiers of picks.

Suggestions, bugs, thank you's?

Post in the comments below, or if its a bug, make a ticket as well, please!

Idea (officially) from


Thanks for an awesome idea!


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Aug 9, 2012
  • Last Released File
    Mar 5, 2014
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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