API Tutorial

First of all add LobbyAPI as a dependency:

depend: [LobbyAPI]

Then create an instance of Lobby:

Lobby lob = new Lobby();

After that you have to do several settings. Here are some examples:

Location LobbyLoc; //Just define any location you want as the lobby.
lob.setLobbyLocation(loc); //Do the same for OutOfGameLocation and GameLocation
lob.setCountdown(61); //The time the players have to wait in seconds

Now the game will start when enough players are in the lobby. To do execute commands, etc. when the game starts, simply create a listener and register it.

public void onEnable(){
this.getServer().getPluginManager().registerEvents(this, new ListenerClass());

and in the ListenerClass:

public void onStart(StartEvent){
Lobby startedLobby = e.getLobby();

Now you can do some things like this with the lobby.

ArrayList<Player> Players = startedLobby.getPlayers();
for(Player all : Players){
all.getInventory().addItem(new ItemStack(Material.DIAMOND));

That´s it. Thank you for reading!


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